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wydawnictwo: C.H. BECK, 2009, wydanie I

cena netto: 90.40 Twoja cena  85,88 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Problems of the taxes and the tax law are of a particular significance in today’s

Polish economic realities. The tax law constitutes an important tool used by

the state to influence the economy, which is of great importance for both Polish and

foreign investors. Provisions of the Act on Corporate Income Tax exert a particular

effect on activities taken by economic entities. This is true not only as concerns the

content of the Act itself, but also its transparency. Therefore, the need to present the

most important aspects of the corporate income tax stems from the expectations

of foreign investors.

This publication is an attempt to present the most important aspects of the corporate

income tax. The particular emphasis is put on problems directly encountered

by foreign investors which are subject to the Act on Corporate Income Tax. The

discussed issues are analysed in the context of the activities of foreign economic

entities operating in the Polish realities. Special attention has been paid to problems

which might cause the biggest interpretation doubts. Individual tax issues have been

illustrated with practical examples. This allows to better understand the discussed

topics and at the same time supplements the theoretical analysis of the tax provisions.

This publication is intended not only for foreign persons and entities wishing

to get acquainted with the Polish tax system, in particular with the taxation of legal

persons. The book is also addressed to lawyers and tax advisors who cooperate

with foreign persons and entities planning to operate on the Polish market. It is

also intended for foreign representatives of the law doctrine (scientific workers or

representatives of judicial bodies) who want to become acquainted with the Polish

Act on Corporate Income Tax.



Preface .................................................................................................................. IX

Author................................................................................................................... X

Literature .............................................................................................................. XI

Abbreviations ...................................................................................................... XIX

Chapter 1 Description of the Tax .................................................................. 1

Chapter 2 Taxpayers of the Corporate Income Tax .................................... 7

2.1 The subjects of CIT .......................................................................... 7

2.2 Legal persons .................................................................................... 8

2.3 Unincorporated organisational entities ........................................ 9

2.4 Foreign companies ........................................................................... 9

2.5 Small taxpayers ................................................................................. 10

2.6 Capital companies in organisation ................................................ 11

2.7 Unincorporated companies and corporate in come tax .............. 12

2.8 Change of the legal status and the tax-paying liability ................ 14

2.9 Tax capital group .............................................................................. 15

2.10 Subjective exclusions ....................................................................... 24

2.11 Unlimited and limited tax-paying liability ................................... 27

2.12 Subjective exemptions ..................................................................... 29

2.13 Tax year ............................................................................................... 31

Chapter 3 Taxation of Foreign Persons ......................................................... 35

3.1 Principles of taxation of foreign persons ...................................... 35

3.2 Taxation of undertaking and branch ............................................. 42

Chapter 4 Tax Documentation ...................................................................... 49

4.1 Concept of the accounting records ................................................ 49

4.2 Unreliability of the books and estimation of the taxation base .. 51

Chapter 5 Profit Sharing ................................................................................. 57

5.1 Linkages between taxpayers............................................................ 59

5.2 Transaction methods ....................................................................... 62

5.3 Transaction profit methods ............................................................ 63

Chapter 6 Object of Taxation ......................................................................... 65

6.1 General principles ............................................................................ 65

6.2 Income derived from shareholdings in an unincorporated

company (partnership) .................................................................... 66

6.3 Concept of the shareholding in an unincorporated company ... 68

Chapter 7 Capital Income ............................................................................... 71

7.1 Exchange of shareholdings.............................................................. 72

7.2 Appropriation of the net profit for the increase in the initial

capital ................................................................................................. 73

7.3 Taxation of income from a share in the profits of a legal

person ................................................................................................ 73

7.4 Dividends .......................................................................................... 74

7.5 Redemption of shares ...................................................................... 78

Chapter 8 Revenues ......................................................................................... 81

8.1 Subjective exclusions in the case of revenues ............................... 84

8.2 Rebates and bonuses versus revenue ............................................. 89

8.3 Return of goods ................................................................................ 91

8.4 Subsidies and subventions .............................................................. 91

8.5 Stipulated penalties .......................................................................... 92

8.6 Loans and interest ............................................................................ 92

8.7 Advance, down payments and prepayments ................................ 93

8.8 Refunded, remitted or waived taxes and duties ........................... 93

8.9 Date of the revenue generation ...................................................... 94

8.10 Invoicing and revenue taxable with the income tax .................... 97

Chapter 9 Revenue from Gratuitous and Partially Paid

Performances ................................................................................. 101

9.1 Gratuitous and partially paid performances ................................ 101

9.2 Gratuitous provision of a real property ......................................... 104

9.3 Principles of determining selected types of revenue ................... 107

9.4 Remittal and statute of limitations for liabilities .......................... 109

9.5 Revenue taxable with the flat income tax ..................................... 111

9.6 Losses ................................................................................................. 114

Chapter 10 Deductible Costs ........................................................................... 115

10.1 Definition of deductible costs ......................................................... 115

10.2 Costs not classified as deductible ones .......................................... 118

10.3 Principles of documenting deductible costs ................................. 128

10.4 Moment of recognising costs in tax books ................................... 130

10.5 Liabilities as a type of deductible costs .......................................... 134

Chapter 11 Fixed Assets .................................................................................... 141

11.1 General principles ............................................................................ 141

11.2 Principles and methods of depreciation........................................ 143

11.3 Inventory of fixed assets .................................................................. 150

Chapter 12 Subjective Tax Exemptions........................................................... 153

12.1 General principles ............................................................................ 153

Chapter 13 Taxation of Leasing ....................................................................... 159

13.1 Parties to the tax leasing agreement .............................................. 161

13.2 Object of the agreement of leasing................................................. 161

13.3 Basic term of the agreement ........................................................... 162

13.4 Actual and hypothetical net value .................................................. 162

13.5 Principles of the taxation of parties to the so-called

operational leasing agreement ........................................................ 163

13.6 Principles of the taxation of parties to the so- called financial

leasing agreement ............................................................................. 165

Chapter 14 Taxation Base and Amount of the Tax ....................................... 169

14.1 Taxation base .................................................................................... 169

14.2 Taxation of revenues ........................................................................ 170

14.3 Donations .......................................................................................... 171

Chapter 15 Tax Collection ................................................................................ 183

15.1 Withholding income tax paid in accordance with general

principles ........................................................................................... 184

15.2 Exemption from payment of the withholding tax ....................... 186

15.3 Responsibilities of a taxpayer ......................................................... 193

15.4 Tax residence certificate .................................................................. 194

15.5 Tax returns ........................................................................................ 195

Index ..................................................................................................................... 199

202 pages, paperback

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