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wydawnictwo: TAYLOR & FRANCIS, 2007, wydanie I

cena netto: 269.10 Twoja cena  255,65 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Quality and Operations Management


"Management Extra" brings all the best management thinking together in one package. The series fuses key ideas with applied activities to help managers examine and improve how they work in practice. "Management Extra" is an exciting, new approach to management development. The books provide the basis for self-paced learning at level 4/5. The flexible learning structure allows busy participants to study at their own convenience, minimising time away from the job. The programme allows trainers to quickly plan and deliver high quality, business-led courses. Trainers can select materials to meet the needs of their delegates, clients, and budget.Each book is divided into themes of ideal length for delivering in a training session. Each theme has a range of activities for delegates to complete, putting the training into context and relating it to their own situation and business. The books lively style will stimulate further interest in the subjects covered. Guides for further reading and valuable web references provide a lead-in to further research. "Management Extra" is based on the NVQ framework to ease the creation of Diploma, Post Graduate Diploma or NVQ programmes for managers. It is accredited with all leading awarding bodies.

120 pages, Paperback

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