
ONG M. wydawnictwo: RISK BOOK, 2005, wydanie I cena netto: 700.00 Twoja cena 665,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka Comprehensively researched, this volume assists and advises the financial practitioner
of every possible consequence of the latest Basel Accord - including advice on the
implementation of systems affected by the Accord's various regulations. Learn from
contributions by those involved in setting regulation for financial institutions, risk
practitioners, industry-wide organisations and third parties such as software vendors. The
book features a detailed overview of the revised Accord that highlights its major changes
and includes comprehensive insight and guidance that advises on the Basel Accord's three
component pillars: Minimum Capital Requirement, Supervisory Review Process and Market
Discipline. The entire spectrum of related issues are covered including: the treatment of
credit risk, securitisation, the establishment of an effective operational risk framework
and trading book issues
820 pages
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