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wydawnictwo: PH, 2000, wydanie I

cena netto: 270.00 Twoja cena  256,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka


Paul R. Timm, The Marriot School of Management, Brigham Young University

Copyright 2001, 223 pp. Paper format ISBN 0-13-085959-1


For undergraduate courses in Customer Service, Human Relations, and Supervision offered by Marketing or Business Administration Departments.

This practical, real-world text presents the skills essential for success in customer service. It brings together a wealth of the best information from professional books and academic textbooks, and the authors broad consulting experience.


  • NEW-Added information on use of the Internet.
    • Helps students make optimum use of the Internet in the learning process.
  • NEW-New cases are added.
    • Provides students with real, relevant, and updated scenarios.
  • NEW-25% new problems are included.
    • Offers students added opportunities of review and application of material in discussion.
  • A clear, usable process is employed for developing the skills, attitudes, and thinking patterns needed to win customer satisfaction and loyalty.
    • Helps students to develop the tools for dealing with unhappy customers, creating loyalty, and empowering the service process.
  • Several Important Pedagogical Aids are included-Learning Objectives help students focus on the specific skills to be learned; The Way It Is feature opens each chapter with practical examples of real situations; Service Snapshots show students real people doing the skills discussed in the text; Another Look articles reinforce for students ideas from another perspective; Margin notes highlight for students key information throughout each chapter; Self-evaluations help students get involved in the material; and Application Activities at the end of each chapter challenge students to apply the information learned.

Table Of Contents

1. Fostering Positive Attitudes.
2. Recognize and Deal with Customer Turnoffs.
3. Deal with Dissatisfied Customers.
4. Exceed Customer Expectations.
5. Use Behaviors That Win Customer Loyalty.
6. Get Others to Give Great Service.
7. Apply Winning Telephone, E-mail, and Website Techniques.
8. Use Written Messages.
9. Understanding the One-to-One Customer Future.
Appendix: How to Lead or Participate in an E-Plus Idea-Generating Meeting.

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