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wydawnictwo: WILEY, 2000, wydanie I

cena netto: 98.00 Twoja cena  93,10 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Mega-Selling: Secrets of a Master Salesman

David Cowper
Andrew Haynes
Donald Cowper

ISBN: 0-471-64529-X Paperback Pages: 256 Copyright: 2000

From a master salesman, firsthand lessons on how to close mega-sales and penetrate new markets

When David Cowper began his insurance career, he was alone in a new country with no contacts and only forty dollars in his pocket. Three months later, he still hadn't sold a single policy. But David stuck with it and became one of the top insurance salespeople in the world. At the pinnacle of his outstanding career, he routinely made million-dollar sales and closed deals in excess of $100 million. More than a rags-to-riches story, Mega-Selling is a firsthand account of the unique strategies David developed and employed to penetrate new markets and close multimillion-dollar sales. Here, David describes actual sales situations that apply to all fields and businesses, and shares his techniques for succeeding at mega-sales, including prospecting, preparing for the call, turning prospects into clients, becoming a mega-agent, and much more.

David Cowper, CLU (Toronto, Canada), has been in the insurance business for forty years and is among the highest-performing insurance brokers in the world.

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