VANHORNE wydawnictwo: PH, 2000, wydanie II cena netto: 200.00 Twoja cena 190,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka James C. Van Horne, Stanford
Copyright 2001, 300 pp. Paper format ISBN 0-13-018044-0
For courses in Undergraduate
Investments, Graduate Investments, and Financial Markets and Institutions, Fixed Income
Securities, Bond Markets, and Money and Banking.
This text provides a
conceptual basis from which to understand interest rates, how they behave with
changing market conditions, and how risk can be managed.
NEW-Treatment of credit
Presents students with
information on the treatment of credit ratings, default losses and migration patterns,
quality yield spreads over time, high-yield debt, yield spreads with respect to maturity,
together with a new section on liquidity.
NEW-Updated data on the
flow of funds (Ch. 2).
NEW-Reworked chapter on
inflation and returns.
NEW-Improved chapter on
the term structure of interest rates (Ch. 6).
NEW-Detailed treatment
of bond portfolio management.
NEW-Expanded chapter on
credit derivative securities.
NEW-Rewritten chapter on
mortgage securities-Covers mortgage derivatives; modeling prepayments; and "TBA"
treatment of municipal bonds.
Emphasis on financial risk
management throughout.
Current developments-E.g.,
interest rates; financial institutions; and financial innovations.
Extensive exploration into
currency risk.
Institutional content is
not presented as separate chapters but in conjunction with risk and practice concepts.
1. The Function of
Financial Markets.
2. The Flow-of-Funds System.
3. Foundations for Interest Rates.
4. Prices and Yields for Bonds and Money Market Instruments.
5. Inflation and Returns.
6. The Term Structure of Interest Rates.
7. Price Volatility, Coupon Rate and Maturity.
8. Default and Liquidity Risk.
9. Derivative Securities: Interest-Rate Futures and Forward Contracts.
10. Derivative Securities: Options.
11. Derivative Securities: Interest-Rate and Credit Swaps.
12. Embedded Options and Option-Adjusted Spreads.
13. Mortgage Securities and Prepayment Risk.
14. Controlling Currency Risk.
15. The Influence of Taxes.
16. The Social Allocation of Capital.
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