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Understanding The Consumer

A European Perspective
Bernard Dubois
2001 336 pages (est.) 0136-16368-8 (Paperback) 1st Edition

This book provides comprehensive coverage of the essentials of consumer behaviour written by an internationally recognised expert in the field. A translation of Dubois' prizewinning text, this readable book offers a European perspective on an increasingly important area.

- Concise but comprehensive overview with a unique European orientation.
- Illustrated with European cases.
- Up-to-date, providing relevant facts and figures about today's market environment.
- Contemporary treatment, including the most recent schools of thought and research traditions.
- Clearly formulated learning objectives and keywords at the beginning of each chapter.

Part 1: Explanatory factors of purchase and consumption

1. Motivations, Involvement and Personality.

2. Motivation and Involvement.

3. Personality and Self Concept.

Section 1: Perceptions and images

4. Sensation.

5. Interpretation.

6. Brand Image and Positioning: The Structure of Perceptions.

Section 2: Learning and experience

7. Behaviourism.

8. Cognitive Learning.

9. Memory.

Section 3: Attitudes and preferences

10. Beliefs, Emotions and Intentions.

11. Attitude Structure.

12. Attitude Change and Persuasion.

Section 4: Groups and opinion leaders

13. A Typology of Groups.

14. The Dual Function of a Group.

15. Social Interaction and Interpersonal Influence.

16. What Makes an Opinion Leader?

17. Simulation and Stimulation.

Section 5: Social class and life style

18. What is Social Class?

19. How to Measure Social Class.

20. Representations of Social Structures.

21. Social Groupings and Market Structure.

22. From Social Class to Life Style.

23. Life Style and Consumption.

24. Limits and Perspectives of Evolution.

Section 6: Culture and value systems

25. Culture; you said?

26. Culture and Consumption Behaviour.

27. Living with Culture: Its Impact on Individuals.

28. Culture and Social Interaction.

29. Marketing Implications.

30. Conclusion.

Part 2: The dynamics of buying and consumption

Section 7: The buying decision making process

31. Need Recognition and Problem Formulation.

32. Information Gathering and Processing.

33. Formulating Decisions.

34. Post-Purchase Phenomena.

Section 8: The decision - making unit

35. Who Does What?

36. The Family Life Cycle Concept.

37. The Three Roles of the Family.

38. Family Conflicts and the Management of Conflicts.

Section 9: Buying and consumption situation

39. Defining a Situation.

40. How to Measure a Situation.

41. What do we Know Today About Situational Influence on Buying and consumption?

42. Marketing Implications.

43. Conclusion.

Name Index.

Subject Index.

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