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Capturing customer's hearts leave the competition to chase their pockets

Customer service has been a crucial focus for at least 15 years now. Does this mean that we can put our feet up, say 'we've done the customer' and move onto the next big thing? Not a chance. The continued focus on customers is an imperative given the realities of the marketplace:

Good customer service is still the exception, even after all this time. Okay, the staff may have : How can I help you? on their name badges, and may have learned how to smile, but the service still stops a long way short of excellence.

The customers' ideas of good service have been transformed in the last 15 years. The rise of consumerism and consumer rights attests to this - our customers expect more now. Much more.

The opposition has not stayed still. If our relationship with our customers is to be a prime driver of differentiation, it is necessary to take a whole step further into customer satisfaction.

Survey after survey has shown that customers are deeply unhappy with service levels. When I was gathering stories to illustrate this book, it was very | easy to get examples of bad customer service - but many, many people could not think of a single instance of great customer service. To make the customer relationship the driving force behind repeat business and differentiation calls for a quantum shift. From consumer friendliness to charisma. We don't want to be nice to our customers, we want them to love us. To desire our company's products. To speak to other people about our company with awe in their voices. We need to capture their hearts.

The cynical response is, 'It's nice if you can fake it.' But this isn't about faking it. Capturing Customers' Hearts looks at companies where the product or the company itself generates a special reaction in the customer, something much more than brand loyalty - true affection. You will never look at your customers in the same way again.

To make the customer relationship the driving force behind repeat business and differention calls for a quantum shift. From consumer friendliness to charisma.

The continued focus on customers is an imperative given the realities of the marketplace.


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