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Rules of the game business: a players guide

Understanding the generic principles which underpin the business game Is a major competitive advantage -this book provides that advantage.

Charlie Whelan, broadcaster and former spin doctor to Gordon Brown, Chancellor of the Exchequer

Knowing the rules, exploiting them and even changing them Is essential for any business player. This book should be a significant addition to any player's reference library.

Brendan O'Neill, CEO, IC!

People can be offended when war Is referred to as a game. However, this book clearly demonstrates how underlying game-playing skills translate across all domains and a serious knowledge of those skills Is essential for any player in any game.

General Sir Michael Rose, former Commander of UNPROFOR in Bosnia 1994, and Commanding Officer of the 22ndSpecial Air Service Regiment (SAS) during the Iranian Embassy Siege

Games are my business, and business Is my game - this book Is a bible for winners!

Peter Higgins, Commercial Director, sportingbet.com

The skills learnt through playing games can be applied to virtually any business situation. This book Is the first step on the road to quantifying this valuable phenomena. Demis Hassabis, CEO, Elixir Studios; Mind Olympic Champion

Business is a game. You are a corporate player. With the right kind of coaching, you can perfect your skills, have the competitive advantage and win every time.

This player's manual takes you through the game plan - knowledge, coaching and tactics - explaining the different scenarios you may encounter, from dirty games to glory games, from political games to litigation games. Let the authors of Rules of the Game show you how to play to your full potential.

Ultimately success in business depends upon refining your own gaming instinct. How will you play it?


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