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wydawnictwo: FT/PH, 2001, wydanie I

cena netto: 205.00 Twoja cena  194,75 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Weightless Wealth find your real value in a future of intangible assets

Andriessen and Tissen have highlighted that developing and maintaining a competitive advantage in today's marketplace does not only require superior knowledge of rudimentary fields such as finance, manufacturing and marketing, but foremost a vision to take your company to a higher and different level. This applies to the Microsoft and Yahoos of the world, as well as to the G.E.s and Wal Marts. The book is easy to read and will be helpful to any executive in coping with today's business challenges.

Don H. Alexander, President Alexander & Associates, Inc. - a private investment company, Member, International Advisory Board, Nyenrode University

Weightless Wealth is an important book that addresses a subject area which is rightfully piercing the global corporate consciousness. The assets and the currency of our era - among them knowledge, ideas, creativity, brand, shared values, and a strong culture - must be identified, understood, and valued.

That's What this book is about. Stephen G. Butler, Chairman, KPMG

What is the value of your company's knowledge?

Successful companies have gone soft; from tangible to intangible, they're now weightless. But most managers still focus on tangible assets. Are you managing and measuring the right things?

The drivers of tomorrow's wealth are brands, networks, knowledge, competencies, corporate culture and leadership. You can't touch them, but these are the new critical assets - the weightless keys to your future wealth. The value of most of them is missing from the balance sheet. On average the market capitalization of companies quoted on the New York Stock Exchange is 2.5 times their book value.

Weightless Wealth provides you with the practical tools to identify, assess and value these intangible assets, and helps you to leverage them to their full potential, creating a high-growth, high-performance company.

For more information on Weightless Wealth, visit our companion website at www.weightlessweatth.com


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