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For courses in Administrative Office Management, Office Management, or Administrative Management

Continuing the tradition, Administrative Office Management, 8th edition, offers the most technologically updated text on the market. In combination with technological updates, this comprehensive introduction to office management focuses on what office managers actually do on the job. Dr. Quibles signature easy-to-read style coupled with pedagogical aids throughout systematically explores the full range of office management topics-office environment, employees, systems, and functions.

Table of Contents
1. The Managerial Process.

Emerging Thrust. Administrative Office Management Function. A Career in Administrative Office Management. The Administrative Office Manager. Evolution of Management Theory. Implications for the Administrative Office Manager.
2. The Organizing Process.

Organizational Principles. Organizational Structures. Organization Chart. Informal Organization. Implications for the Administrative Office Manager.
3. The Communication Process.

Elements of Communication Process. The Flow of Communication. Small-Group Communication. Large-Group Communication. Nonverbal Communication. Barriers to Effective Communication. Development of Listening Skills. Application of Communication Process. Implications for the Administrative Office Manager.
4. Office Layout.

The Preliminary Planning Stage. Costing of Office Space. Open Office Concept. Principles of Effective Layout. Preparing the Layout. Implications for the Administrative Office Manager.
5. Office Environment.

The Impact of the Office Environment on Employees. The Healthy Office Environment. Lighting. Color. Noise Control. Conditioning the Air. Music. Conservation of Energy in Offices. Office Security. Implications for the Administrative Office Manager.
6. Office Equipment and Furniture.

Office Equipment. Office Furniture. Implications for the Administrative Office Manager.
7. Selecting Office Employees.

Sources of Potential Office Employees. Outsourcing. Hiring People with Disabilities. Selection Process. Testing Program. Interviewing Process. Affirmative Action Program. Federal Legislation. Making the Decision. Monitoring Selection Process. Implications for the Administrative Office Manager.
8. Developing Office Employees.

Orientation. Training. Principles of Learning. Organization of Learning Experiences. Training Techniques. Special-Purpose Training. Legal Considerations in Training. Counseling. Implications for the Administrative Office Manager.

9. Supervising Office Employees.

Leadership Role. Functions of Supervision. Characteristics of Effective Supervisors. Special Skills of Supervisors. Supervisory Training. Supervisory Responsibilities. Disciplining Employees. Terminating Employees. Workplace Violence. Working with a Union. Implications for the Administrative Office Manager.
10. Motivating Office Employees.

Basic Human Traits. Motivational Process. Theories of Motivation. Goal Setting. Attitude of Management. Changing Employee Values. Employee Motivation Techniques and Strategies. Dos and Don'ts of Motivation. Handling Employee Frustration. Implications for the Administrative Office Manager.
11. Appraising Performance of Office Employees.

Uses of Performance Appraisal. Characteristics of Performance Appraisal Programs. Establishment of Performance Standards. Methods of Performance Appraisal. Rating Errors. Analysis of Appraisals. Appraisers of Performance. Appraisal Interviews. Employee Promotion. Implications for the Administrative Office Manager.
12. Analyzing Jobs of Office Employees.

The Nature of Job Analysis. Uses of Job Analysis. Job Analysis Program. Describing the Job. Implications for the Administrative Office Manager.
13. Evaluating Jobs of Office Employees.

Job Evaluation Methods. Adopting Job Evaluation Method. Job Evaluation Committee. Implications for the Administrative Office Manager.
14. Administering Salaries of Office Employees.

Salary Administration Program. Determining Salary Structure. Incentive Pay. Performance-based Pay. Trends in Salary Administration. Legally Required Benefits. Fringe Benefits. Federal Legislation. Implications for the Administrative Office Manager.
15. Measuring Output of Office Employees.

Nature of Work Measurement. Work Measurement Program. Work Measurement Techniques. Performance Leveling. Work Standards. Implications for the Administrative Office Manager.
16. Improving Productivity of Office Employees.

The Productivity Dilemma. The Productivity Improvement Program. Productivity Improvement Techniques. Implications for the Administrative Office Manager.
17. Systems Analysis.

The Systems and Procedures Concept. New Developments in Systems and Procedures Design. The Systems and Procedures Staff. Designing or Modifying Systems. Systems and Procedures Tools. Implications for the Administrative Office Manager.
18. Computer Technology.

Computer Generations. Classifications of Computers. Components of Computer Systems. Computer Instructions. Distributed Data Processing. Managing Computer Problems. Data Warehousing. Utility Computing. Implications for the Administrative Office Manager.
19. Telecommunications Technology.

The Nature of Telecommunications. Telephone Platforms. Grade of Service. Telephone Features and Options. Unified Messaging. Other Devices Using Telephone Lines. Intraorganizational Communication Devices. Management of Telecommunication Services. Controlling Telecommunications Costs. Telecommuting and Telecommunications. The Internet. Implications for the Administrative Office Manager.
20. Applications Software.

A Historical Perspective. Types of Applications Software. Sources of Applications Software. Use of Integrated Applications Software Programs. Common Applications Software Used in the Office. Word Processing Software Programs. Spreadsheet Software Programs. Database Software Programs. Presentation Software Programs. Desktop Publishing Software Programs. Scheduling Software Programs. Implications for the Administrative Office Manager.
21. Records Management and Micrographics.

The Records Cycle. Organizing a Records Management Program. The Records Management Manual. Document Management Systems. Imaging Systems. Implications for the Administrative Office Manager.
22. Forms Design and Control.

Forms Control Program. Types of Office Forms. Forms Design. Professional Forms Services. Implications for the Administrative Office Manager.
23. Office Reprographics and Mail Services.

Organization of the Reprographics Center. The Copying Process. The Printing Process. The Imprinting Process. Auxiliary Equipment. Mechanical Devices for Transporting Internal Correspondence. The Mailroom. Implications for the Administrative Office Manager.
24. Quality and Quantity Control.

The Process of Control. Objectives of Control. Advantages of Control. Elements of Control. Quality Control. Quantity Control. Work Scheduling. Implications for the Administrative Office Manager.
25. Budgetary and Cost Control.

Budgeting. Zero-Based Budgeting. Budgetary Control. Cost Control. Implications for the Administrative Office Manager.

645 pages

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