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wydawnictwo: FT/PH, 2001, wydanie IV

cena netto: 130.00 Twoja cena  123,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Using The Financial Pages

The Financial Times Guide

All too often the world of finance is discussed by the media in a way that is obscure and uninviting. But much of this information is vital. This authoritative and invaluable guide, for anyone who needs to read the financial pages of a newspaper like the Financial Times, explains where and when to find what you want and how to make the best use of the comprehensive range of financial and economic statistics.

This new edition has been completely updated and includes new chapters on American, continental European and emerging equity markets. There is also comprehensive analysis of the effect of the euro on financial markets, as well as greater coverage of the impact of the internet.

This book will introduce readers to the art of reading and interpreting the financial pages whether they view them in a newspaper or online. In addition to providing a simple guide to understanding the statistics and the language of modern finance, it will allow you to follow and act on the price movements of a wide range of potential investments including shares, bonds, funds, currencies and derivatives.



Part I: Identifying the Players

1. Investors
2. Companies
3. Financial Institutions
4. Governments

Part II: Interpreting the Markets

5. Stocks and Shares
6. Indices and Aggregates
7. NYSE and Nasdaq : the US equity markets
8. European equities : stock markets in the euro-zone and beyond
9. Other international equities : emerging stock markets and world indices
10. Trusts and funds : the managed money markets
11. Bonds and gilts : the international capital markets
12. Cash and currency : the foreign exchange and money markets
13. Futures and Options : the derivatives markets
14. Primary products : the commodities markets

Part III: Understanding the Economies

15. Economic Indicators in the United Kingdom
16. The European Economy : market integration and monetary union
17. The World Economy : trade, growth and international institutions

Part IV: Beyond The Financial Pages

18. Company and Investor Lives : the key performance indicators
19. Finance On the Internet : using the electronic financial pages
20. Sources of Information : a brief guide


Romesh Vaitilingham is a writer and a research consultant specialising in business finance and economics.

'The definitions and insight this book provides will remain of lasting value to readers.'
Financial Times
'An invaluable and straightforward guide.'
Business Age

'A valuable reference tool for anyone, professional as well as private investor.'
Resident Abroad

328 pages

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