LEWIS N. wydawnictwo: RISK BOOKS, 2003, wydanie I cena netto: 630.00 Twoja cena 598,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka Will prove to be a very handy reference book for the
experienced risk manager and, at the same time, will provide the newcomer with a thorough
grounding in how to measure market risks. Jan Annaert, University of Ghent
Provides the practitioner, consultant and academic with vital
quantitative expertise in an authoritative and up-to-date treatment of the most crucial
innovations in the application of statistical methods to market risk modelling.
- Uniquely written from a practitioners perspective, this title is sympathetic to the
needs of the busy practitioner and is designed to provide rapid and succinct access to
useful statistical methods in one handy volume
- The use of practical examples and accessible panels will allow the market risk manager
to quickly and easily implement, evaluate and extend a wide variety of statistical
modelling tools and techniques for more accurate market risk assessment
- This timely release illustrates the value to be gained from the statistical analysis of
market risk data providing a valuable competitive edge in these times of increased
- Key topics such as extreme value theory, volatility modelling, principle components,
confidence intervals and fitting probability distributions to real data are covered in
sufficient detail so that these methods can be integrated into your own risk management
325 pages
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