DAVIS E. wydawnictwo: RISK BOOKS, 2006, wydanie I cena netto: 850.00 Twoja cena 807,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka With the deadlines for Basel II rapidly approaching your firm must
implement the AMA by January 2008. To get your frameworks into place Risk Books present
you with this state-of-the-art technical guide on how to model op risk with practical
advice on how to set up an AMA programme that fully supports the modelling and
quantification goals of your organisation.
The book firmly focuses on practical solutions to modelling issues.
Helps you set up a strong programme with quantification in mind, providing good quality
information for modelling, in order to deliver the numbers you need for regulatory
approval, and deliver value to your business lines.
Presents many complex topics in a highly accessible manner.
Five comprehensive sections succinctly guide you through the following key topics:
- The AMA framework: Outlines a general approach to constructing an
advanced measurement approach framework within your firm the basis upon which any op
risk model is built. It provides essential dos and donts as well as step-by step guidance
on how best to achieve the goals of your op risk programme. It covers such crucial areas
as data selection, granularity, correlation, and diversification.
- Modelling basics: Gets you fluent in the fundamentals of operational
risk modelling with discussion of general concepts and an analysis of the main
mathematical models regularly used to analyse loss data.
- Modelling challenges: Shows you how models can be adjusted to overcome
limitations in the underlying data. It includes practical guidance on loss data capture,
the effect of data gaps on parameter estimates, expected and unexpected loss calculations
and the use of extreme value theory to help mitigate some of the data problems associated
with operational risk modelling. Crucially these complex topics are presented in an
accessible manner, with plenty of thorough explanation to help you digest and implement
the content.
- Alternative modelling approaches: This section gives you a general
framework for thinking about qualitative elements and their role in modelling - including
scenario analysis, key risk indicators, and how to overcome the challenges in the
modelling of less tangible risks, such as technology risk.
- Comparative views of implementation: To help you gain a broader
understanding of how your colleagues around the world are implementing their op risk
solutions the final section contains an overview of an op risk framework at a US
bank, plus implementation studies from Spain and Germany. The German study unveils the
results of a major industry survey, outlining real world practices in financial services
firms, including the strengths and shortcomings of firms approaches to solving key op risk
372 pages
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