HUGHES J., MACDONALD S. wydawnictwo: AWL, 2002, wydanie I cena netto: 230.00 Twoja cena 218,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka International Banking
Text and Cases
Brief Description
This book was written to provide a straightforward approach to understanding international
banking. It covers all the traditional course topics: credit analysis, electronic banking,
the Eurobond market, debt crisis, and international supervision, while also providing a
solid grounding in the history of banking and its influences on modern practices.
Throughout the text the authors continually convey the message that international banking
is a dynamic business, in which change is a constant feature.
Written from a true bank management orientation, the text is solidly oriented towards the
Seven case studies from Harvard, Ivey, and Darden are included in their entirety.
An extensive box program includes over 100 timely articles and excerpts from sources such
as the WSJ, Economist, and Financial Times, to provide students with a closer look at
pertinent topics.
Interesting issues such as money laundering, globalization of markets, emerging trends,
and technological innovations, are covered in detail.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction.
2. A Brief History of International Banking.
3. Banking Systems Around the World.
4. International Commercial Banking.
5. International Investment Banking.
6. International Retail and Private Banking.
7. Offshore Financial Centers.
8. Banking on the Foreign Exchange Market.
9. Bank Failures.
10. Supervision and Regulation.
11. Risk Management.
12. Money Laundering.
13. Derivatives.
14. Country Risk and Global Debt Crises.
15. Emerging Trends in Global Banking.
484 pages
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