AMBROSINI V. wydawnictwo: FT/PH, 1998, wydanie I cena netto: 300.00 Twoja cena 285,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka Exploring Techniques of Analysis and Evaluation in Strategic Management is the first
book to be published in the Johnson/Scholes Exploring Corporate Strategy series. The
series aims to expand the coverage of issues from Exploring Corporate Strategy by
providing further depth and/or focusing on specific issues or sectors. Like the main book
this will be done in a practical and applied way while drawing on best practice from
researchers, writers and practitioners.
This book has been devleoped with the assistance of the Strategic Planning Society. It
contains 17 chapters, of which 6 are written by the Strategic Planning Society's Workshop
Leaders. These chapters are practical rather than conceptual, and each one deals with an
individual tool or technique that is useful for effective strategic management. The tools
and techniques fall into four main categories which help the reader to:
Analyse organisational resources and capabilities
Analyse the business environment
Analyse organisational culture and stakeholders
Evaluate and choose strategic options
Exploring Techniques of Analysis and Evaluation in Strategic Management is fully
cross-referenced to Exploring Corporate Strategy, which makes it an ideal complement to
this book. It can be used by students and practising managers who would like to gain a
further insight into the tools and techniques of strategy.
About the authors:
Veronique Ambrosini is a Research Fellow in Strategic Management at Cranfield School of
Management. Gerry Johnson is Professor of Strategic Management at Cranfield School of
Management and Kevan Scholes is principal partner in Scholes Associates, Visiting
Professor of Strategic Management and former Director of Sheffield Business School.
298 pages
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