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The global best-selling companion to the fundamentals of business correspondence. Over 350,000 copies sold!

In business, communication counts. Clear and well-structured letters, documents and e-mails can deliver better results, with speed and accuracy. The words that you use, and the way that you present them, also send important signals about you and your business to your customers, colleagues and business partners. So make sure you're sending the right ones.

Model Business Letters is a practical and comprehensive guide to help you get more value from your business communication.

In this book you will find over 500 sample documents for a wide range of business situations, easy to use examples and practical advice on content, language and style. Model Business letters will help you to put the key rules of good business writing into action, and a framework for creating clear and effective business communication, including:
  • How to present business documents correctly and clearly
  • how to structure your communication for maximum results
  • how to make your email work for you
  • model examples for a range of business communication needs
  • 100 top-tips for better business writing

If you want your business to be a model of successful communication, Model Business Letters will be a valuable companion.

Table of Contents

Preface to the first edition (Leonard Gartside)

Preface to the sixth edition (Shirley Taylor)


Unit 1 Written communication - an overview

1. Presentation of business documents

Printed stationery

Fully-blocked style with open punctuation

Continuation pages

Parts of a business letter

Open punctuation


Fax messages


2. Structuring your communications

4-point plan


3. Language and tone

The weakest link in your business writing

Ten steps to good business writing


4. E-mail

The explosive growth of e-mail

Seven deadly sins of working with e-mail

The good, the bad and the ugly of e-mail

The weakest link in your e-mails

How can you make e-mail work for you?

Customer care and e-mail

Creating electronic rapport

E-mail @ work



5. Enquiries and replies

Requests for catalogues and price lists

General enquiries and replies

Requests for goods on approva

Visits by travellers

Requests for concessions

Useful expressions

6. Quotations, estimates and tenders


Routine quotations

Quotations subject to conditions of acceptance

Tabulated quotations

Estimates and specifications


Quotations not accepted or amended

Follow-up letters

Useful expressions

7. Orders and their fulfilment

Placing orders

Routine orders

Acknowledging orders

Declining orders

Counter-offers from suppliers

Packing and despatch

Useful expressions

8. Invoicing and settlement of accounts

Invoices and adjustments

Pro forma invoices

Debit and credit notes

Statements of account

Varying the terms of payment

Methods of payment

Useful expressions

9. Letters requesting payment


Late payments

Collection letters:

- First applications for payment

- Second application letters

- Third application letters

- Final collection letters


Useful expressions

10. Credit and status enquiries

Reasons for credit

Disadvantages of credit

Requests for credit

Business references

Status enquiries

Replies to status enquiries

Useful expressions

11. A typical business transaction

Request for quotation

Supplier's quotation

Request for permission to quote company as a reference

Permission granted


Supplier's acknowledgement

Advice note

Consignment note

Delivery note


Debit and credit notes

Statement of account



Unit 3 Creative and persuasive documents

12. Complaints and adjustments

Handling complaints

Complaints concerning goods

Complaints concerning delivery

Cancelling orders

Personal complaints


Useful expressions

13. Goodwill messages

General goodwill letters

Letters of apology

Letters in which tone is particularly important

Letters of thanks

Letters of congratulation

Letters of condolence and sympathy


14. Reports and proposals

Introduction to reports and proposals

The Plain English Guide to Writing Reports

- Defining the purpose

- Investigating the topic

- Organising the report into sections

- Order of presentation

- Order of writing

- Numbering sections and paragraphs

- Planning the writing

- Revision


15. Notices, advertisements and information sheets



Leaflets and information sheets

Design skills


16. Circulars

Circulars announcing changes in business organisation

Circulars announcing changes in business partnerships

Letters announcing change of representatives

Internal circulars to staff

Circulars with reply forms


17. Sales letters and voluntary offers

The weakest link in your sales letters

Successful sales letters

Specimen sales letters

Voluntary offers


Useful expressions

18. Publicity material

Press releases


Writing Skills


19. Marketing matters

Identifying your audiences

Why is customer care so important?

Customer care through Internet and e-mail

Marketing through the Web

20. Business Plans

Components of a business plan


21. Meetings documentation

Notice and agenda

Minutes of meetings

Types of minutes


22. Personnel

Letters of application


Favourable references

Unfavourable references

Interview Letters

Offers of appointment

Termination of employment

Sundry personnel matters

Useful expressions

23. Travel and hotels



Travel by sea/air

Hotel accommodation and itineraries

Useful expressions

24. Secretarial and administrative correspondence

Requesting appointments

Inviting speakers to conference

Conference accommodation


Board meeting

Diary dates

Invitations and replies

Unit 4 Classified business letters

25. Agencies

Finding an agent

Applications for agencies

Offers of agencies

Formal agency agreements

Appointment an agent - typical procedure

Correspondence with agents

Useful expressions

26. International trade

Import/export flow chart

Commission agents

Goods of consignment


Bills of lading

Important documentation and procedure

Bonded warehouses

Useful expressions

27. Banking (home business)

Kinds of bank account

Correspondence with banks

Current accounts

Bank loans and overdrafts

Useful expressions

28. Banking (international business)

Bankers' drafts

Bankers' transfers

Bills of exchange

Documentary bills

Bankers' commercial credits

Useful expressions

29. Transport

Carriage by sea

Carriage by air

Carriage by road

Carriage by rail

Useful expressions

30. Insurance

The insurance contract

Insurance brokers

Insurance premiums

Householders' policies

Holiday insurance

Fidelity insurance

Temporary cover


Marine insurance

Floating and open-cover policies


Motor insurance

Useful expressions


Useful Web sites

Spoken and written forms of address


496 pages

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