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wydawnictwo: PRINCETON, 2006, wydanie I

cena netto: 275.00 Twoja cena  261,25 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Table of Contents
Preface ix

Chapter 1: The Need for a New Paradigm 1
1.1 The Rational Representative Agent Paradigm 1
1.2 Cracks in the REEM Construction 2
1.3 Behavioral Finance: A Quick Survey 8
1.4 The Broad Outlines of an Alternative Approach 10
1.5 Appendix: The Asian Disease Problem 12

Chapter 2: A Simple Behavioral Finance Model of the Exchange Rate 13
2.1 Introduction 13
2.2 The Model 14
2.3 Stochastic Simulation of the Model 19
2.4 The Steady State of the Model 25
2.5 Numerical Analysis of the Deterministic Model 27
2.6 Sensitivity Analysis of the Deterministic Model 30
2.7 Basins of Attraction 32
2.8 The Stochastic Model: Sensitivity to Initial Conditions 34
2.9 Why "Crashes" Occur 35
2.10 The Role of Memory 39
2.11 Is Chartism Evolutionarily Stable? 43
2.12 Conclusion 45
2.13 Appendix: Numerical Values of the Parameters Used in the Base Simulation 47
2.14 Appendix: Simulations of the Base Model with Different Stochastic Realizations 48

Chapter 3: A Slightly More Complex Behavioral Finance Model 49
3.1 Introduction 49
3.2 The Model 49
3.3 Stochastic Simulation of the Model 54
3.4 Solution of the Deterministic Model 54
3.5 Informational Issues 60
3.6 Some Preliminary Remarks on Empirical Predictions of the Model 63
3.7 Rational and Behavioral Bubbles 64
3.8 Conclusion 67
3.9 Appendix: The Variance Ratio ?2
f,t /? 2
c,t in the Steady State 68
3.10 Appendix: Numerical Values of the Parameters Used in the Base Simulation 69

Chapter 4: Limits to Arbitrage 71
4.1 Introduction 71
4.2 Risk Aversion andLimits to Arbitrage 71
4.3 Transaction Costs and Limits to Arbitrage 75
4.4 Conclusion 86

Chapter 5: Changes in the Perception of Risk 87
5.1 Introduction 87
5.2 Risk Perception and Misalignment 87
5.3 Risk Perception and Losses: Prospect Theory 90
5.4 Changing Risk Perception and Transaction Costs 95
5.5 Conclusion 100

Chapter 6: Modeling the Supply of Foreign Assets and the Current Account 103
6.1 Introduction 103
6.2 Stochastic Simulations of the Model 104
6.3 Deterministic Analysis of the Model 105
6.4 Sensitivity to Initial Conditions and Informational Issues 109
6.5 Profitability of Chartist and Fundamentalist Rules 111
6.6 Conclusion 111
6.7 Appendix: The Steady State of the Model 113
6.8 Appendix: Transitional Dynamics 114

Chapter 7: Risk Appetite in an Evolutionary Perspective 117
7.1 Introduction 117
7.2 The Extended Model 117
7.3 The Nature of Risk Appetite 121
7.4 Sensitivity to Initial Conditions 121
7.5 Sensitivity Analysis 122
7.6 The Effect of News 123
7.7 Conclusion 127

Chapter 8: The Empirical Evidence 129
8.1 Introduction 129
8.2 The Distribution of Returns: A Tale of Fat Tails and Excess Kurtosis 129
8.3 Dependence Properties of Returns 133
8.4 The Disconnect Puzzle 139
8.5 Transaction Costs: Do They Matter? 141
8.6 Asymmetry of Bubbles and Crashes 144
8.7 Is Chartism Evolutionarily Stable? 145
8.8 Conclusion 147
8.9 Appendix: Hill Index and Kurtosis in Prospect Model 149
8.10 Appendix: Some More Results on Volatility Clustering 150
8.11 Appendix: Additional Results for the EC Model 151

Chapter 9: Official Interventions in the Foreign Exchange Markets 153
9.1 Introduction 153
9.2 Modeling Official Interventions in the Foreign Exchange Market 154
9.3 Rule-Based Interventions in the Foreign Exchange Market 159
9.4 Target Intervention 162
9.5 Is Intervention Sustainable? 163
9.6 Conclusion 164

Chapter 10: Chaos in the Foreign Exchange Markets 167
10.1 Introduction 167
10.2 What Is Chaos? 167
10.3 Conditions for Chaos to Occur 169
10.4 Foreign Exchange Market Intervention and Chaos 175
10.5 Target Intervention 177
10.6 Empirical Relevance of Chaotic Dynamics 178
10.7 Conclusion 180
10.8 Appendix: Sensitivity to Parameter Values 181
10.9 Appendix: Intermittency Phenomenon 182
10.10 Appendix: Target Intervention with Small Target Band 183

Chapter 11: Conclusion 185

References 191
Index 197

216 pages, Hardcover

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