SMITH M.,HOLLENSEN S. wydawnictwo: FT/PH, 2006, wydanie I cena netto: 250.00 Twoja cena 237,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka Marketing Research: An International Approach is a comprehensive text written with the
decision-maker in mind. It is written from the perspective of the firm conducting
marketing research in the national and international markets irrespective of its country
of origin. This tools-oriented book shows how international marketing managers can
transform existing (Secondary) and newly collected (primary) data into useful information.
This is a comprehensive and advanced marketing research book that offers an analytical and
decision-oriented framework of the subject. This book looks at firms conducting market
research in the national and international markets irrespective of its country of origin.
This book is written for advanced undergraduate and graduate students studying Marketing
Research. It is also appropriate for practitioners who wish to keep abreast of the most
recent developments in the field.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Globalization of markets and international marketing research
Chapter 2: Online and other secondary data sources
Chapter 3: Observational and tracking methods
Chapter 4: Focus groups
Chapter 5: Other qualitative research methods
Chapter 6: Measurement and scaling
Chapter 7: Survey and questionnaire design
Chapter 8: Quantitative models in marketing
Chapter 9: Analysis of variance and multiple regression
Chapter 10: Discriminant analysis and logistic regression
Chapter 11: Profiling customers: factor analysis
Chapter 12: Cluster analysis and segmentation of customers
Chapter 13: Positioning the product: MDS
Chapter 14: Systematic product development: conjoint analysis
Chapter 15: Advanced methods for categorization: CHAID and latent class analysis
Chapter 16: Several dependent variables: cannonical correlation and structural equation
Chapter 17: Data mining
Chapter 18: Putting it all together: an international marketing information system
612 pages
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