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wydawnictwo: RISK BOOK, 1998, wydanie I

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Derivatives and the Internal Auditor

Key Topics and Concerns


List of panels List of contributors

1 What is Risk?

A Discussion for Internal Auditors

Robert P. Sullivan of PricewaterhouseCoopers

2 What are Derivatives?

A Comparison of Instruments and their Risks for the Internal Audit Team

Don M. Chance of Virginia Tech

3 Auditing the Mark-to-Market and Risk Management of Derivatives .

Marcus Blackburn of the NatWest Group

4 Auditing Quantitative Techniques and Model Risk in Derivatives Businesses

Peter Stockwell, Peter Parapoulis, Marcos Protopapas and AtuI Patel of Bankers Trust

5 Credit Risk and Derivative Key Concepts and Approaches for the Internal Auditor

Stephen Doherty of Credit Lyonnais

6 Operational Risk Management and Measurement in Financial Institutions

Robert Jameson of Risk Publications

7 Regulatory Considerations of Derivatives and Risk Management A Trans-Global Review for Internal Auditors

Roger G. Coffin of PricewaterhouseCoopers

8 Strategic Sourcing of Audit Functions An Aid to Decision Making 18

Richard Anderson of PricewaterhouseCoopers

9 Corporations and Derivatives: A Case Study of The Boots Company pic

Margaret Monckton of The Boots Company pic

Glossary Bibliography

242 pages

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