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wydawnictwo: TARCHER PUTMAN, 2000, wydanie I

cena netto: 201.00 Twoja cena  190,95 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Visionary activist and author Jeremy Rifkin exposes the real stakes of the new economy, delivering "the clearest summation yet of how the Internet is really changing our lives" (The Seattle Times).

Imagine waking up one day to find that virtually every activity you engage in outside your immediate family has become a "paid-for" experience. It's all part of a fundamental change taking place in the nature of business, contends Jeremy Rifkin. After several hundred years as the dominant organizing paradigm of civilization, the traditional market system is beginning to deconstruct. On the horizon looms the Age of Access, an era radically different from any we have known.

"One basic economic rule, as Mr. Rifkin points out, has not changed since Roman times: caveat emptor. In the brave new wired world, it will be ever more difficult for the buyer to beware of technology speeding forward in nanoseconds, controlled by global giants." - The New York Times

"Rifkin's vision of corporate capitalism dematerializing into webs of access of networks of 'virtual' power is startling and compelling." - William Greider, author of One World, Ready or Not


Part I: The Next Capitalist Frontier

Chapter One: Entering the Age of Access

Chapter Two: When Markets Give Way to Networks

Chapter Three: The Weightless Economy

Chapter Four: Monopolizing Ideas

Chapter Five: Everything Is a Service

Chapter Six: Commodifying Human Relationships

Chapter Seven: Access as a Way of Life

Part II: Enclosing the Cultural Commons

Chapter Eight: The New Culture of Capitalism

Chapter Nine: Mining the Cultural Landscape

Chapter Ten: A Postmodern Stage

Chapter Eleven: The Connected and the Disconnected

Chapter Twelve: Toward an Ecology of Culture and Capitalism




312 pages

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