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wydawnictwo: ROUTLEDGE, 2002, wydanie II

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The past decade has seen increasing focus on the importance of information and knowledge in economic and social processes, the so-called 'knowledge economy'. This is reflected in the popularity amongst practicing managers and organizational theorists of notions of learning, sense-making, knowledge creation, knowledge management and intellectual capital in organizations and more recently, of emotional intelligence as an important management skill.

Complex Responsive Processes in Organizations:

*Argues that the information processing view of knowledge creation held by systems thinkers is no longer tenable

*Develops the alternative perspective of Complex Responsive Processes of relating, drawing on the complexity sciences as a source for analogies with human action.

*Places self-organizing interaction at the centre of the knowledge creating process in organizations

* Learning and knowledge creation are seen as qualitative processes of power relating that are emotional as well as intellectual, creative as well as destructive, enabling as well as constraining.

* Questions the belief that organizational knowledge is essentially codified and centralised.

* Understands organizational knowledge to be located in the relationships between people in an organization and to reflect the qualities of those relationships.

Series Information:

Complexity and Emergence in Organizations

Author Biography:

Ralph Stacey is Professor of Management and Director of the Complexity and Management Centre at the University of Hertfordshire, and a member of the Institute of Group Analysis. He is also consultant to managers at many levels accross a range of organizations and the author of a number of books and articles on strategy and complexity theory in management


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