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wydawnictwo: PH, 2003, wydanie VI

cena netto: 350.00 Twoja cena  332,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

For undergraduate-level courses in Field Operations, Police Patrol Procedures, and Basic Police Operations,

THE standard text for twenty-first century policing, this practical introduction to police field operations is written from the perspective of a working police officer and presents the real-life scenarios an officer is likely to encounter while on-duty. Focused on community policing throughout, it details how and why certain procedures are used, and provides instructional techniques from leading police academies around the country.

New Fully updated throughout The latest information on interviews and interrogations, laws of arrest, search and seizure, and DUI laws.

Presents students with the latest information available.

The most comprehensive and current text on the market.

Provides students with the widest range of up-to-date information.

Use-of-force issues e.g., when and how much force to use under what circumstances.

Provides clearly defined guidelines for shaping and enforcing policy.

Officer Survival and Stress Reduction (Ch. 14) Exceptionally complete coverage.

Gives students a comprehensive look at causes of stress and recommended responses.

The full range of skills a police officer needs to possess.

Helps students develop the necessary skills of observations, perceptions, interviewing techniques, and crowd and riot control.

Table of Contents

Law Enforcement Code of Ethics.
1. Introduction to Patrol.
2. Community Policing and Problem Solving.
3. Observation and Perception.
4. Police Communications.
5. Basic Field Procedures.
6. Frequently Handled Assignments.
7. Traffic Direction and Enforcement.
8. Unusual Occurrences.
9. Crimes in Progress.
10. Preliminary Investigations.
11. Interviews and Interrogation.
12. Arrest, Search, Custody, and Use of Force.
13. Reporting and Records.
14. Officer Survival and Stress Reduction

569 pages

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