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wydawnictwo: PENGUIN, 1987, wydanie I

cena netto: 76.00 Twoja cena  72,20 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

What is management all about? What makes an outstanding leader? And how do organisations work?

Those great issues have been studied for decades but they confront working managers every day of their lives. In Working in Organisations three specialists in the field have listened carefully to the questions managers always ask; their answers are perceptive case histories which relate academic theory to the real world. They consider the most common management problems - joining a new company and dealing with groups, improving communications and getting the best from people - and show how vital skills in these areas can be enhanced.

How can a manager's talents be used within an organisation^} is only by learning to understand the structures and power struggles in a company that a manager can make a personal impact, change its direction and get it to function more efficiently. Indeed, 'working the organisation' may today be the most essential technique of all. This clear and comprehensive book provides just the combination of research and common sense that all managers will need for guidance.

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