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Bond Market Securities

Moorad Choudhry

Investors need to be fully conversant with the differences in the way that bonds are structured, valued and traded. Bond Market Securities contains a wide range of methodologies that will help the reader to gain a good understanding of fixed income securities and some of their associated derivatives.

Bond Market Securities investigates the fundamentals of fixed income analysis, reviewing the latest research and presenting it in an accessible way that is suitable for practitioners and graduate students alike. The research is summarized in a way that allows readers to apply results to their individual requirements. Important subjects are covered in a straightforward style, using only essential mathematics, while further references are listed in full so that the reader may undertake further research.

Topics covered include:

  • Bond mathematics
  • Spot and forward rates
  • Yield curve fitting techniques
  • Term structure models
  • Credit derivatives in the fixed income markets
  • Stochastic models and option pricing
  • Hybrid securities
  • Forwards and futures
  • Market trading considerations and techniques
  • Mortgage-backed securities.

Written by a debt markets professional with many years' experience trading bonds in the markets, the book focuses on the international nature of these instruments, allowing you to apply the techniques and applications covered in the book in every debt capital market, irrespective of geographical location.

Bond Market Securities provides a concise and accessible description of the main elements of the markets, the instruments used and their applications, and will be of valuable use to both the experienced practitioner and the bond market novice.

Bond Market Securities is accessible to both scholars and practitioners, but sacrifices little in quantitative rigour or institutional detail. It will be added to my graduate reading lists... Professor Steve Satchell, Faculty of Economics and Politics, Cambridge University

In bond markets it is easy to overcomplicate things with too much jargon, too many technical terms and too many long mathematical formulae. Moorad's book brings refreshing clarity to the subject, helping show how (and why) these markets really work. Peter Matthews, Senior Credit Trader and Head of FRN Trading, ABN Amro Bank NV

Moorad is a rare combination technically and intellectually brilliant and blessed with the personality and ability to communicate effectively with the rest of us. He has the ability to demystify the seemingly most complex concepts and an enthusiasm for his subject that shines through his writing and captures the reader's interest. Martin Barber, Partner, KPMG Consulting

378 pages

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