RICHARD YEVICH,SUSAN LAWSON wydawnictwo: PHPTR, 2002, wydanie I cena netto: 290.00 Twoja cena 275,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka Annotation
This is part of the IBM
Toronto Lab's DB2 Certification program. This book and CD-ROM will help candidates prepare
for taking the Exam #512 and Exam # 516 that leads to an IBM Certification in Database
Administration for OS/390.
PTR Overview
Direct from IBM, this
comprehensive day-to-day reference for running DB2 UDB in OS/390 environments is also the
only book that delivers the depth of knowledge professionals need to pass IBM's
challenging DB2 for OS/390 certification exam. Full of useful tips, practical techniques,
and expert guidelines, it covers virtually every aspect of working with DB2 UDB in OS/390
and z/OS environments: administration, connectivity, middleware, development, and much
more.KEY TOPICS:Richard Yevich and Susan Lawson begin with a detailed introduction
to the DB2 UDB product family, the DB2 environment, and essential DB2 access controls,
including subsystem access, access to DB2 objects, and auditing. In Part II, the authors
introduce SQL, reviewing data structures, database objects, basic database design, and
advanced SQL techniques for OLAP and other applications. Yevich and Lawson present
in-depth coverage of DB2 UDB administration: maintaining and sharing data; database
monitoring, tuning, and recovery; and more. The book concludes a detailed section on
application development, covering cursors, stored procedures, triggers, object-relational
extensions, locking, concurrency, and more.MARKET:For every DB2 administrator,
developer, and certification candidate working in OS/390 environments.
672 pages
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