SCOTT SEELY wydawnictwo: PHPTR, 2002, wydanie I cena netto: 212.00 Twoja cena 201,40 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka Annotation
The computing industry has
developed many methods to allow computers to share resources and applications, to create a
distributed computing environment--such as DCOM and CORBA. These are the "glue"
of today's distributed computing world.
PTR Overview
SOAP will be the universal
"application glue" for tomorrow's widely distributed systems. It's simple, based
on widely deployed standards such as XML and HTTP, and will enable virtually any business
software to communicate across the Internet. SOAP: Cross Platform Internet Development
Using XML offers a practical, hands-on introduction to SOAP that demonstrates how to
leverage this technology on multiple platforms, using virtually every leading programming
language.KEY TOPICS:Seely begins by reviewing the history of distributed computing,
and demonstrating how SOAP solves distributed computing problems that DCOM and CORBA large
failed to solve. He presents basic introductions to XML, and then to SOAP's syntax --
including SOAP's use of HTTP headers, the SOAP payload, error handling, data types,
encoding structures, and more. You'll walk through building a simple SOAP server for
Windows; then discover how SOAP can be extended to support multiple platforms and
programming languages. SOAP: Cross Platform Internet Development Using XML contains
detailed chapters on utilizing SOAP with each of five leading programming languages: C++,
Perl, Python, Visual Basic, and Java. The book concludes by reviewing today's leading SOAP
servers.MARKET:For all developers and system integrators constructing Internet
applications, applications written in multiple programming languages, or applications that
integrate diverse enterprise systems. This book will also be invaluable for IT
professionals evaluating SOAP and related technologies.
400 pages
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