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wydawnictwo: PHPTR, 2002, wydanie I

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This book covers thru .NET Common Language Runtime; the latest environment for component leased programming or Microsoft Platforms. This book deals with implementation of conventional programming languages. The book will have two examples used to illustrate the main points of the text.

Back Cover Copy

Go "under the hood" with .NET's Common Language Runtime!

The definitive book for serious software engineers, compiler developers, and language implementers

Mapping any language's key features onto .NET's common object model

Comprehensive coverage of Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL)

Includes extensive examples drawn from C#

The first practical guide to Microsoft's .NET Common Language Runtime!

Compiling for the .NET Common Language Runtime (CLR) is the first book to give software engineers all the details and guidance they need to create full-featured .NET compilers or implement programming languages for the .NET environment. Renowned compiler expert John Gough presents an unprecedented "under the hood" inspection of Microsoft's .NET CLR, illuminating the key concepts underlying Microsoft's new technology and demonstrating exactly how CLR maximizes interoperability across multiple programming languages. The book uses a running example to illustrate its key points(Gough's own open source Gardens Point Component Pascal compiler(which can be used as a basis for sophisticated experimentation.

Reviews every element of CLR: Virtual Execution Engine, Base Instruction Set, Common Type System, and more

Shows how to map a language's key features onto the .NET Virtual Object System's common object model

Explains how CLR represents programs at compile time

Explores the semantic analysis performed by CLR prior to emitting Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) code

Provides in-depth coverage of MSIL code generation

Covers features needed by a wide range of languages

Explores advanced topics such as accessing nonlocal variables and supporting multiple inheritance

Includes many examples drawn from Microsoft's new C# language

If you need absolute mastery over the .NET CLR, only one book delivers what you're looking for: Compiling for the .NET Common Language Runtime (CLR) by John Gough.

PTR Overview

In this book, renowned compiler expert John Gough offers an in-depth, "under the hood" look at Microsoft's .NET Common Language Runtime. Intended for serious software engineers, and for developers of programming languages and compilers, Compiling for the .NET Runtime reveals the key concepts underlying Microsoft's new technology, showing exactly how the Common Language Runtime maximizes interoperability across multiple programming languages, and offering in-depth coverage of compiling for the .NET Runtime.

KEY TOPICS:Compiling for the .NET Runtime is the first book with enough detail about the .NET Runtime to enable the design of a fully featured compiler and the implementation of conventional programming languages. The book contains The book contains a running example that illustrates its key points: John Gough's own open source Gardens Point Component Pascal compiler, which can be used as a basis for sophisticated experimentation. The book covers features needed by a wide range of languages, and contains an extensive set of examples drawn from Microsoft's new C# language.

MARKET:For language and compiler developers, software engineers, and other technical professionals seeking an in-depth understanding of Microsoft .NET's Common Language Runtime.

350 pp

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