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Managing High-Intensity Internet Projects

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Get results!

The rapid-fire guide to managing high-intensity software projects.

Today's high-intensity, Internet-time projects: they're more than yesterday's management techniques can handle. To succeed, you need to understand what's different, where the pitfalls are, what works, and what doesn't. You need Managing High-Intensity Internet Projects. Legendary IT leader Ed Yourdon delivers instant, practical solutions for key challenges associated with Internet development. You'll discover how to:

  • Manage the brutal negotiations and politics surrounding Internet projects
  • Develop strategies that minimize risk
  • Define requirements that are flexible enough to adapt-and solid enough to work
  • Transform business processes, applications, and infrastructure at the same time
  • Identify tools and technologies that support fast-paced development without compromising your future
  • Maximize the effectiveness and value of your testing processes
  • Realistically monitor your progress and make adjustments fast

Whether you're building B2B or B2C, infrastructure or mobile applications, Managing High-Intensity Internet Projects is your secret weapon-everything you need to deliver outstanding results on Internet time!

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In Managing High-Intensity Internet Projects, Ed Yourdon delivers instant, practical solutions for virtually every challenge you'll face in leading today's high-intensity, Internet-time projects. Yourdon's breakthrough management techniques cover strategies, politics, processes, tools, and the entire development lifecycle - from requirements through coding, monitoring progress through testing and delivery.

Author Bio

ED YOURDON is author or co-author of more than two dozen books, including Death March, The Decline and Fall of the American Programmer, and The Rise and Resurrection of the American Programmer. In June 1997, he was inducted into the Computer Hall of Fame, joining notables such as Charles Babbage, Seymour Cray, James Martin, Grace Hopper, Gerald Weinberg, and Bill Gates. Widely known as co-developer of the popular Coad/Yourdon OO methodology, he founded and led YOURDON, Inc., a consulting firm that trained over 250,000 people worldwide.

226 pages

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