FERRIS K., PETITT B. wydawnictwo: FT/PH, 2002, wydanie I cena netto: 170.00 Twoja cena 161,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka Valuation
Avoiding the Winner's Curse
Valuation will always be both
an art and a science. This book will help you master both the science and the art.
Concise, realistic, and easy to use, it brings together the field's best "rules of
thumb," helps you compare every key approach, and offers practical solutions for your
most important valuation 'challenges. Leading practitioners Kenneth R. Ferris and Barbara
S. Pecherot Petitt review the entire valuation process, offering'real-world advice for
both acquiring and valuing target companies. Next, they cover each of today's most
important evaluation techniques, including discounted cash flow analysis 'earnings
multiples analysis, adjusted present value analysis, lieconornic value analysis, and real
option analysis, as well as such related concerns as the accounting structure of a
deal,'accounting for goodwill, and much more.
From traditional ROE analysis
to the latest reporting and tax issues, this book doesn't just make valuation
comprehensible: gives you the tools and insight you need to make valuation work.
Hands-on advice for acquiring and valuing target companies Avoiding the process errors
that lead to inaccurate valuation
Examples and case studies from a wide variety of industries Pharmaceuticals,
manufacturing, chemicals, food, technology, and more
Financial review and pro forma analysis What to calculate, how to calculate it, and
how tointelligently project the future
Traditional and alternative methods: when to use each Discounted cash flow, earnings
multiples, adjusted present value, real opiums, and more
Accounting for mergers and acquisitions Income statement, balance sheet, and cash
flow statement transformations
Key financial reporting and tax considerations Pooling, purchase accounting, goodwifl, and
other: critical issues
About the Authors
Distinguished Professor of World Business at Thunderbird, The American Graduate School of
International Management. The author/co-author of 10 books, he has served on the faculties
of Ohio State University, Northwestern, SMU, and numerous institutions of higher learning
throughout the Asia-Pacific region. He has served as director of five corporations,
including three listed on the New York Stock Exchange. He currently serves as mergers and
acquisitions consultant to small businesses in the southwest United States.
Assistant Professor of Finance at Thunderbird, The American Graduate School of
International Management. She specializes in corporate finance, valuation, mergers, and
acquisitions. Prior to joining Thunderbird, she spent two years with Financial Services
Management Development Limited as a consultant, and worked for several banks and companies
in London and abroad. She holds a Ph.D. in Finance from the University of Grenoble,
224 pages
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