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wydawnictwo: PH/PTR, 2002, wydanie I

cena netto: 185.00 Twoja cena  175,75 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Demystifying ISO 9001:2000: Information Mapping's Guide to the ISO 9001 Standard, 2000 Version, 2/e

Gerard W. Paradis
John R. Trubiano


Get ISO 9001:2000 certified/recertified fast! Practical, usable techniques proven in over 20 countries!

  • Achieve ISO 9001:2000 certification or transition from ISO 9001:1994quickly, efficiently, and cost-effectively!
  • Proven Information Mapping method streamlines the entire certification process
  • Includes breakthrough solutions for creating and managing documentation the #1 cause of audit failure
  • The best-selling ISO 9001 certification guide totally revised for ISO 9001:2000

The new ISO 9001:2000 standard can transform quality into a powerful business advantage but it presents major challenges for companies seeking certification, and for more than 340,000 companies who must transition under the new requirements. Now, there's an easy-to-understand, easy-to-use book for everyone involved with ISO 9001:2000 certification or recertification. Demystifying ISO 9001:2000 draws upon proven Information Mapping techniques to streamline every certification task, enhance business value, and dramatically reduce the risk of failure. Coverage includes:

  • Understanding the key changes in ISO 9001 certification including ISO 9001:2000's unprecedented focus on process
  • Meeting ISO 9001:2000's new management responsibility requirements
  • Addressing resource management and product realization requirements
  • Defining measurable objectives and permissible exclusions
  • Corrective action
  • Understanding the ISO 9001:2000 transition process

Drawing on seminars taught in over twenty countries, Demystifying ISO 9001:2000 introduces breakthrough solutions for developing and managing documentation tasks that represent 41 percent of all time invested in certification, and accounts for 47 percent of all audit failures.

If you want to gain ISO 9001:2000 certification quickly and cost-effectively and achieve the business goals you've set for it you won't find a more valuable guide.

170 pages

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