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wydawnictwo: PH, 2005, wydanie III

cena netto: 370.00 Twoja cena  351,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Taxes and Business Strategy: A Planning Approach, 2/e

For investment banking, corporate finance, strategy consulting, money management or venture capital courses at the graduate level.

Students benefit because the book provides a framework for understanding how taxation influences asset prices, equilibrium returns, and the form and content of contractual agreements. The revision features a stronger MBA perspective and emphasis on student learning. This is achieved by integrating the tax law with fundamentals of corporate finance and microeconomics. In addition, the second edition focuses more clearly on the economic consequences of alternative contractual arrangements than on the precise tax laws governing the arrangements.


Specific Chapter Highlights Chapter 3 (Alternative Savings Vehicles) includes new material comparing traditional IRAs with Roth IRAs. Chapter 8 (Compensation) includes new material on employee stock options. Chapter 10 & 11 (Multinational Tax) now include: individual expatriation strategies and corporate expatriation strategies. Chapters 13-17 (Mergers & Acquisitions) are completely revised to focus on the effects of taxes on acquisition structure and pricing. Chapter 18 (Estate and Gift Tax Planning) now includes more discussion of the fundamentals of estate and gift tax law.

Active Author Team Mark Wolfson and Myron Scholes, who recently received the Nobel Prize for Economics for his work, are joined by Merle Erickson, Ed Maydew, and Terry Shevlin to lend their expertise to the new edition. All 5 authors actively teach the tax and business strategy course.

Provides students with relevant examples from both classroom and real-world consulting experience.

Shorter/More Focused Presentation The text has been reduced from 27 chapters to only 18, consisting of 7 framework chapters and 11 application chapters such as International Taxation, Compensation, and Mergers and Acquisitions.

Allows for greater emphasis to be placed on topics most relevant to readers.

Updated Tax Policy Changes The latest available tax law changes are incorporated.

Covers where taxes play a big role in decision-making as well as when relevant issues arise that MBA students are likely to encounter in their careers (e.g. mergers and acquisitions, options, international tax).

Enhanced assignment Material.

Serves to clarify the development of many equations; replace some old analyses with more relevant analyses; and expand the number of exercises and problems in the text.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction to Tax Strategy.
2. Tax Law Fundamentals.
3. Returns to Alternative Savings Vehicles.
4. Choosing the Optimal Organizational Form.
5. Implicit Taxes and Clienteles, Arbitrage, Restrictions and Frictions.
6. Nontax Costs of Tax Planning.
7. The Importance of Marginal Tax Rates and Dynamic Tax-Planning Considerations.
8. Compensation Planning.
9. Pension and Retirement Planning.

10. Multinational Tax Planning: Introduction and Investment Decisions.
11. Multinational Tax Planning: Foreign Tax Credit Limitations and Income Shifting.
12. Corporations: Formation, Operation, Capital Structure and Liquidation.
13. Introduction to Mergers, Acquisitions and Divestitures.
14. Taxable Acquisitions of Freestanding C Corporations.
15. Taxable Acquisitions of S Corporations.
16. Tax-Free Acquisitions of Freestanding C Corporations.
17. Tax Planning for Divestitures.
18. Estate and Gift Tax Planning.

514 pages.

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