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Banking on Knowledge
The Genesis of the Global Development Network
Edited by: Diane Stone

Banking on Knowledge is one of the first studies of the way in which the World Bank is reinventing itself as the 'Knowledge Bank'. The book addresses how international organizations and governments are developing partnerships with think tanks, research institutes and other knowledge institutions in the hope of informing and improving policies for reform and development around the world.
Subjects covered include:
the changing policy emphasis within the World Bank as it develops alliances with non-governmental actors and promotes civil society
first-hand accounts of the making of this new global network amidst the plethora of existing political, commercial and non-governmental networks
detailed case studies of the problems faced by think tanks and other knowledge institutions across the world
whether knowledge, information and data is used by experts successfully to influence policy.
Timely, original and provocative, this book is essential reading for students, researchers, policy makers and professionals with an interest in the future of the World Bank, the role of think tanks and the changing nature of development.

266 pages

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