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wydawnictwo: PH, 2003, wydanie II

cena netto: 235.00 Twoja cena  223,25 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Total Global Strategy II, 2/e

George S. Yip, London Business School


For graduate courses in International Business, Competitive Strategy, International Marketing, and Strategic Management.

Written by the subject's leading academic authority, this highly readable text (a student favorite) addresses the most challenging task faced by multinational companies how to deal with globalization and the resulting need for globally integrated strategies.


  • This book has a custom coursepack Visit www.prenhall.com/custombusiness
  • NEW Chapter.

    Explores regional strategy for companies.

  • NEW More emphasis on implementation.

    Provided in greatly expanded chapter on organization and management.

  • NEW Emphasis on the impact of the Internet

    Stands as the only text that addresses the Internet and globalization together.

  • NEW Emphasis on service businesses

    Provides framework for analyzing globalization of service businesses and many examples.

  • NEWUpdated material throughout.

    Provides students with the latest corporate experience and academic research on globalization and global strategy.

  • A focus on globalization and global strategy throughout-Not often found in other texts.

    Serves students with a specific treatment of global strategy and not just international business.

  • "How to" framework and definitions.

    Provides practical applications that can easily be assigned as class projects.

  • Numerous real-life examples.

    Shows students the in-depth, corporate world.

Table of Contents

1. Understanding Global Strategy.
2. Diagnosing Industry Globalization Potential.
3. Building Global Market Participation.
4. Designing Global Products and Services.
5. Locating Global Activities.
6. Creating Global Marketing.
7. Making Global Competitive Moves.
8. Regional Strategy.
9. Building the Global Organization.
10. Measuring Industry Drivers and Strategy Levers.
11. Conducting a Global Strategy Analysis.
Worksheets for Evaluating Core Strategy.
294 pages

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