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wydawnictwo: FT/PH, 2002, wydanie I

cena netto: 190.00 Twoja cena  180,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Wired Tower, The: Perspectives on the Impact of the Internet on Higher Education

Matthew Serbin Pittinsky


The Wired Tower makes sense of the changes that are being wrought by the Internet and related technologies, and explores which aspects of Internet-related change offer the greatest long-term promise in higher education, which are superficial, and which should be rejected.

Editor Matthew Pittinsky and his diverse contributors widen our perspective on the Internet, viewing it as the latest in a series of "macro-level" changes that have repeatedly transformed higher education and broadened access to it. Drilling down to implementation issues, they offer specific guidance on course redesign, and on the cost, policy, and staffing implications of the wired campus. Finally, Neil Postman offers an essential counterweight to technological optimism, posing skeptical questions academics should ask before buying into technological and business-based paradigms in higher education.

With original contributions from:

Matthew Pittinsky, Chairman, Blackboard Inc.
The key forces shaping the Internet's effects on higher education and how e-learning can reinforce traditional academic values
Arthur Levine, President, Columbia University Teacher's College
What to preserve, what to change, and how the forces reshaping higher education can reinvigorate its historic mission
Greg Cappelli, Equity Analyst, Credit Suisse First Boston
The education "industry:" market size, trends in Internet usage, economic/demographic pressures, and new for-profit institutions
Martin Irvine, Professor, Georgetown University
Internet-based learning: an international perspective and region-by-region review
Carol A. Twigg, Executive Director, Center for Academic Transformation
The nitty-gritty of technology-driven course redesign, frameworks for improving quality and reducing cost
Donald Spicer, CIO, University of Maryland
Supporting innovation on the wired campus: IT management challenges
Neil Postman, author, The End of Education; Chair, Department of Culture and Communication, NYU

228 pages

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