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wydawnictwo: ROUTLEDGE, 2002, wydanie I

cena netto: 390.00 Twoja cena  370,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Game Theory and Economic Analysis
A Quiet Revolution in Economics
Edited by: Christian Schmidt

This book presents the huge variety of current contributions of game theory to economics. The impressive contributions fall broadly into two categories. Some lay out in a jargon free manner a particular branch of the theory, the evolution of one of its concepts, or a problem, that runs through its development. Others are original pieces of work that are significant to game theory as a whole.
After taking the reader through a concise history of game theory, the contributions include such themes as:

the connections between Von Neumann's mathematical game theory and the domain assigned to him today
the strategic use of information by game players
the problem of the coordination of strategic choices between independent players
cooperative games and their place within the literature of games new developments in non-cooperative games
possible applications for game theory in industrial and financial economics differential qualitative games and entry dissuasion.

192 pages

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