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wydawnictwo: FT/PH, 2002, wydanie I

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"Jesper Kunde is a name you can expect to see on the global business advisors' marquee for a long time to come. This book is not for the faint of heart. It is not for you unless you are ready to shed decades of marketing "wisdom" and painstakingly build - in the spirit of a Nike, a Virgin, a Nokia - your essential value proposition. It is not for you unless you are prepared to organise your entire company into a focused system that supports and exudes the essence of whom you are and why what you offer to the world matters.

Let Kunde get into your mind, and you may just end up getting into your customer's mind! A bavura performance from the undisputed Maestro of value positioning."

Tom Peters, Palo Alto.

Our parents valued products. Tangible, measurable, reassuringly solid things. Today, products are almost indistinguishable. Our generation of consumers focuses on attitude, emotional content and immaterial value. If you want to sell me a power drill, don't tell me how many watts the engine is; tell me how good I'll feel when a set of shelves I've put up stays up. This is the New Value Economy.

Value differentiation is a crucial factor for success and the question on everybody's mind is simple: How do I stand out in the turmoil? What does it take to be unique? First you have to change your mindset. Always front a company with the brand - never ever the product.

Understanding the power of a unique brand gives value-driven companies an advantage in the market. Unique, Now or Never sets out four new tools for companies in the New Value Economy to achieve that advantage.


Introduction: A unique moment

Chapter 1: Unique NOW Or Never

Chapter 2: From the old the new economy

Chapter 3: The new value economy

Chapter 4: How does the company come from the old to the new economy - redefine your company

PART I: Create high and unique value in one brand globally

Chapter 5: Create growth via a brand with a high value

Chapter 6: Define the brand position you wish to conquer - and word it

Chapter 7: The brand - the personality of a company

PART II: Create a Unique Brand System securing that the brand and its values are kept together

Chapter 8: In the new value economy brands and values needs solidarity

Chapter 9: Growth via a strong corporate brand

Chapter 10: Corporate brand with graduation

Chapter 11: Corporate brand with denomination

Chapter 12: Corporate brand with differentiation

Chapter 13: A combined corporate brand

Chapter 14: Corporate brand with endorsing

Chapter 15: One-product-one-brand

Chapter 16: Structure your company with a corporate brand system

PART III: Redefine the company to the new economy

Chapter 17: Redefine your company to the new value economy

Chapter 18: The Unique Brand Value Chain - the corporate future strategy

Chapter 19: Redefine your understanding of the company's way to the market - Unique Brand Relation Management

Chapter 20: Redefine your understanding of the company's organisation

Chapter 21: Redefine your understanding of management

Chapter 22: Redefine your understanding of market boarders
352 Pages Hardback

[ Author]

Danish born Jesper Kunde, 42, is a Bachelor of Commerce. He worked for Carlsberg and the electronics company LK before he started the advertising agency Kunde & Co. with his partner Gaute Hogh in 1988. Kunde & Co. has established itself as one of Scandinavia's largest intergrated advertising agencies, functioning as marketing and management consultants for major international companies including Bang & Olufsen, Bodum and Ecco.

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