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wydawnictwo: FT/PH, 2003, wydanie I

cena netto: 230.00 Twoja cena  218,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Brand Management
A Theoretical and Practical Approach

Brief Description

Since the 1980s, brands and the management of brands have attracted an enormous amount of interest. Companies became acutely aware of how their brand image could mean the difference between success and failure. Brand Management: A theoretical and practical approach gives insight into this phenomenon, moving from the history of the brand to how to develop, manage and protect brands.

Brand Management: A theoretical and practical approach takes a decision-making approach to the subject, structured around the decisions a brand or product manager would face when considering their own brand strategy, covering topics such as design, judicial protection, adverse publicity and financial-brand valuation.


  • Takes a decision-making approach to the subject.
  • Links theory to practice inline with the problems a brand manager would have to face.
  • Uses numerous case studies on individual companies that reflect contemporary practice.
  • Incorporates the authors latest research findings throughout.
  • Gives an extensive overview of the history of Branding in Chapter 1.
  • Covers the Model for Image Transfer.
  • A whole chapter (chapter 6) dedicated to the bran name.


Reviewers comments:
"This has got to be one of the most comprehensive publications on branding ever produced. There is nothing like it in terms of subject breadth and depth. It is a must for undergraduates studying specialist marketing degrees or postgraduates and higher degree students", Richard West, consultant and Visiting Lecturer, Westminster Business School, University of Westminster.

"The text is packed full of up to date material including numerous cases on individual companies that reflect contemporary practice and this adds credence to much of the theory", Geoff Lancaster, Professor of Marketing, University of North London, Chairman Durham Associates Group Ltd, Castle Eden and Chief Examiner, Institute of Sales and Marketing Management.

Brand Management: A theoretical and practical approach should be of particular interest to both undergraduate and postgraduate students studying for a general marketing qualification as well as those specialising in Brand Management, Product Branding or Corporate Image/Branding. It will also be of benefit to marketing and advertising practitioners and CIM students.

Rik Riezebos is Managing Consultant of Brand Capital (Rotterdam). He is also Director of the Erasmus Brand Management Centre, a knowledge centre of Erasmus University, Rotterdam and has been affiliated with Erasmus University since 1987.


1. The History of the Brand
1.1 The Brand Before 1870
1.2 The Development of the Manufacturer-Owned Brand
1.3 The Development of the Distributor-Owned Brand
1.4 The Awareness of the Value of Brands
1.5 Recent Developments

2. The Choice for a Brand Strategy
2.1 The Applicability of a Brand Strategy
2.2 Possible Advantages of a Brand Strategy

3. Analysis of the Branded Article
3.1 The Four Building Blocks of the Branded Article
3.2 The Hierarchy of Attributes
3.3 The Relative Importance of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Attributes

4. Giving Meaning to the Brand
4.1 Intended Meaning of the Brand
4.2 Brand Images
4.3 Brand-Added Value

5. Two Routes of Brand Development
5.1 Criteria for the Choice of a Route for Brand Development
5.2 The Two Different Roles of Brand Name and Packaging
5.3 Instruments of Brand Development for the Low-Budget Route
5.4 Phases in the High-Budget Route of Brand Development

6. The Brand Name as Central Pivot
6.1 Three Brand-Name Strategies
6.2 Considerations in the Choice of a Brand Name
6.3 A Classification of Brand Names
6.4 The Brand-Name Development Trajectory
6.5 Changes in Brand Names

7. The Role of Design in Brand Development
7.1 Design as an Instrument
7.2 Classification and Effects of Design
7.3 Brand Attributes in which Design Plays a Role
7.4 Shape and Colour
7.5 The Design Development Trajectory
7.6 Reasons for Design Change

8. The Role of Advertising and Internet
8.1 Advertising as an Instrument in the Marketing-Communication Mix
8.2 Two Forms of Advertising Execution
8.3 The Mechanism of Advertising
8.4 Operational Aspects of Advertising
8.5 Brands on Internet

9. Legal Protection of Brands
9.1 The Trademark Concept
9.2 Community Trademark Registration
9.3 Trademark Infringement
9.4 Distinguishing Capacity and Expiration of Rights

10. From Branded Article to Brand Portfolio
10.1 -The Exploitation of one Brand
10.2 Advantages of the Exploitation of Several Brands
10.3 Four Types of Brands in a Brand Portfolio
10.4 Building and Rationalising a Brand Portfolio
10.5 International Aspects

11. Capitalisation on a Successful Brand
11.1 Extension Strategy
11.2 Endorsement Strategy
11.3 Extension Versus Endorsement Strategy

12. Critical Success Factors in Brand Damage
12.1 Brand Damage: From Incident to Crisis
12.2 Influence of Market-, Product-, and Brand-Related Factors
12.3 Influence of Organisation- and Reaction-Related Factors
12.4 Possible Consequences of Crises

13. The Value of a Brand for the Company
13.1 -Brand Equity
13.2 Components of Brand Equity
13.3 Financial-Brand Valuation

Appendix 1: Price Strategies and Corresponding Methods of Pricing
Appendix 2: The Rokeach Value Survey (RVS)
Appendix 3: Criteria for Various Brand Strategies
Appendix 4: International Schedule of Classes of Goods and Services for the Registration of Brands
Appendix 5: Guidelines Product-Recall Advertisement Literature

Author Index
Brand- and Company Name Index
Index of Terms
About the Authors
330 pages

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