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wydawnictwo: WILEY, 2002, wydanie I

cena netto: 90.00 Twoja cena  85,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

The End of Advertising as We Know It

There is only one rule: advertising must sell

"This is Zyman the zealot, wielding howitzers, high explosives and earth-moving equipment. He demolishes myths, fancy theories, and reputations. He returns to the foundations of advertising, which he drills into rock. He buildsor rebuildsthe house of marketing from the ground up. It may not be pretty, but it sure feels storm-proof." Sir Martin Sorrell, Group Chief Executive, WPP

"Reading Sergio Zymans new book, I understand why Time magazine named Sergio as one of the three best pitchmen of the 20th centuryalong with David Ogilvy and Lester Wunderman. I hope CEOs read this book. They will stop wasting their precious dollars on 30-second commercials and start doing some real marketing." Philip Kotler, S.C. Johnson Distinguished Professor of International Marketing, Kellogg Graduate School of Management, author, Kotler on Marketing and the forthcoming Marketing Insights A to Z

"Sergio is one of the few who recognize that the real problem with advertising is that the process itself is broken. And he is the only man in the history of the industry courageous (or insane) enough to attempt to change it. You may not agree with everything in this book, but youll still find yourself nodding, laughing, taking notesand reading on compulsively." Sam Hill, cofounder, Helios Consulting Group, author, Sixty Trends in Sixty Minutes

"If youre in marketingand these days, who isntthis book is a must-read. Sergio Zyman is tough-minded and irreverent. His insights into the evolution of advertising are vital for anyone building a business." John J. Dooner Jr., Chairman and CEO, Interpublic Group

"Sergio Zyman has put his finger on a significant shift in consumer spending: buying patterns within categories are no longer a zero-sum game, and product categories are no longer neatly organized. The implications for positioning, advertising, and marketing are profoundwhich is why this book is so valuable." Geoffrey Moore, Chairman, The Chasm Group, and venture partner, Mohr Davidow Ventures

Table of Contents:


Chapter 1. The First Casualty: How We Killed Traditional Advertising.

Chapter 2. Success Can Be Deadly-Don't Take Your Brand Awareness for Granted.

Chapter 3. Fish Where the Fish Are.

Chapter 4. Celebrity Endorsers, Spokespeople, and Icons: When to Use 'Em, When Not To.

Chapter 5. Packaging Matters: It's Your Last, Best Shot, So Make It a Good One.

Chapter 6. To Sponsor or Not to Sponsor: That Is the Question.

Chapter 7. Free Media-Your Best Friend or Your Worst Enemy.

Chapter 8. Making Your Employees Part of Your Message and Your Product.

Chapter 9. The Proof Is in the Pudding.

Chapter 10. Never Miss Another Opportunity.


236 pages

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