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Identity Theft


  • Protect yourself against the fastest growing crime in America
  • Practical solutions for businesses, organizations, and individuals
  • Planning, designing, testing, and deploying effective anti-ID theft systems
  • Identifying, investigating, and recovering from identity theft
  • Biometrics and other emerging technological solutions

Protect yourself against the fastest growing crime in America: identity theft!

This year, nearly one million people will become victims of the fastest growing crime in America: identity theft. Now, there's a complete guide to preventing it, detecting it, and recovering from it. Written for technology professionals, security specialists, law enforcement professionals, and technology-aware laypeople, Identity Theft covers every facet of the problem and every countermeasure. It's an indispensable resource whether you want to protect yourself, your customers, or your citizens.

  • Practical solutions for individuals, corporations, non-profit institutions, and Internet Service Providers
  • Multifaceted responses that involve businesses, consumers, and public policy
  • How to analyze risks to your system on an end-to-end basis
  • How to plan, design, test, and deploy effective anti-ID theft policies, systems, and technologies
  • Emerging anti-ID theft planning and development technologies and solutions
  • Extensive case studies and hands-on examples, as well as the latest field and trial experiments
  • Identifying, investigating, and recovering from identity theft

From simple personal steps you can take right now, to state-of-the-art biometrics and encryption solutions, John R. Vacca covers everything you need to know to fight identity theft and win.

472 pages

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