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wydawnictwo: WILEY, 2000, wydanie I

cena netto: 139.00 Twoja cena  132,05 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Competing with Information

Unleashing Corporate Knowledge for Competitive

Don Marchand

Explore how information can be used as a competitive tool throughout a company with the guidance of one of Europe's premier executive business schools

Every year nearly 4,000 executives attend one of the twenty-one Executive Development Programs or tailored Partnership Programs offered by the International Institute of Management Development, ranked as one of the most eminent business schools by Businessweek and US News & World Report. These programs force attendees to develop personal competencies and abandon outmoded procedures that may be established in their companies. Encompassing the ethos, structure, and core values of this program, this book shows why companies that compete well with information are in a strong market position. It focuses on how information management can create real business value in four ways: minimizing risk, reducing costs, delighting customers, and creating a new reality. It details the what, why, and how of information management and looks at the four-net strategies: Internet, Intranet, Extranet, and the industry net.

Donald Marchand (Lausanne, Switzerland) is a management specialist at the International Institute of Management Development (IMD).

352 pages

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