Persistent problems with poverty, rapid population growth and malnutrition in many
developing countries are among the most serious issues facing the world today. This book
examines the causes, severity and effects of these problems, as well as potential
The authors consider the implications of globalization of goods, services and capital for
agriculture, poverty and the environment; and identify linkages in the world food system,
stressing how agricultural and economic situations in poor countries affect industrialized
nations and vice versa.
Focusing is on the role that agriculture can play in improving economic and nutritional
wellbeing and how that role might be enhanced, this book is essential reading.
Part 1: Dimensions of World Food and Development Problems 1. Introduction 2. Hunger and
Malnutrition 3. Economics of Food Demand 4. Population
Part 2: Development Theories and the Role of Agriculture 5. Economic Transformation and
Growth 6. Development Theory and Growth Strategies
Part 3: Agricultural Systems and Resource Use 7. Agriculture in Traditional Societies
8. Agricultural Systems and their Determinants 9. Resource Use and Sustainability 10.
Human Resources, Family Structure and Gender Roles
Part 4: Getting Agriculture Moving 11. Theories and Strategies for Agricultural
Development 12. Research, Extension, and Education 13. Land and Labor Markets 14. Input
and Credit Markets 15. Pricing Policies and Marketing Systems
Part 5: Agricultural Development in an Interdependent World 16. Agriculture and
International Trade 17. Trade Policies, Negotiations and Agreements 18. Macroeconomic
Policies and Agricultural Development 19. Capital Flows and Foreign Assistance 20. Lessons
and Perspectives
464 pages, Paperback