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wydawnictwo: WYD UMK, 2008, wydanie I

cena netto: 87.00 Twoja cena  82,65 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

The book contains a selection of articles written in the years 1962-2004 and published in English or French languages.

They provide information and present views of the author on matters relating to the development and transforrnations which occurred in maritime law in the second haif of the 20th century. Articles on Polish maritirne law arę presented separately from morę numerous articles on international and transnational maritime law.

The articles compiled in this book illustrate the process of important changes and developments occurred in maritime law in the said period.They indicate how problems created by the progress in the organisation of maritime trade, technical innovations and political changes on the map of the world were identified, consi-dered and sometimes solved, in the latter case the relevant article may have only a historical signif icance. At the same time some traditional institutions of maritime law were changingtheir role and neededa reappraisal and revision.

Table of Contents

Guide to the articles
A. Polish Maritime Law/9
1. The first Polish Maritime Code of 1961 /9
2. Maritime law and general civil law under the Polish legal system /10
3. The meaning and place of maritime law in the Polish legal system /10
4. Time charter under Polish maritime law /11
5. Problems connected with the reform of maritime law in Poland /12
6. The first stage of the reform of Polish maritime law (1991) /12
7. The Polish Maritime Code of 2001 /13
B. International and Transnational Maritime Law /13
1. Liability for damage in the maritime domain /13
2. Marine pollution as an international problem /14
3. Carriage of goods by sea in the law of the European socialist countries /15
4. Sovereign immunity and maritime law /16
5. International co-operation in the domain maritime /17
6. Liability for damage and risk allocation /18
7. International shipping contracts /19
8. Maritime law and the New International Economic Order /20
9. Maritime law in the making /21
10. International maritime conventions: questions of application and interpretation /22
11. Limitation of liability- some theoretical questions /22
12. Hazardous and noxious substances carried by sea /22
13. International maritime order /23
14. The Lugano Convention and maritime legislation /24
15. Carriage of goods by sea and multimodal contracts /25
16. Maritime law in the 21st century /25
Summary /27

The articles
A.  Polish Maritime Law
1.   Le premier Code maritime de Pologne, DMF 1962 /35
2.   La codification du droit civil en Pologne et ses implications
sur les problemes du droit maritime, DMF 1967 /41
3.   Polish maritime law: some basic assumptions and problems, AUNC 1975   /47
4.   Time Charter under Polish maritime law: some questions of its juridical nature, ONE 1987 /59
5.   Comment codifier le droit maritime modern: quelques reflexions au sujet de la reforme entreprise dans le droit maritime polonais, DMF 1990 /71
6.   Reforme du droit maritime polonais. Premiere etape, DMF 1992 /81
7.   The new Polish Maritime Code, REDNMA 2002 /87
B.  International and Transnational Maritime Law
1.   La responsabilite pour dommage dans le domaine maritime, DMF 1970 /101
2.   International Legal Problems of Marine Pollution, PYIL 1972-1973 /115
3.   Le contrat de transport maritime des marchandises dans le droit des pays socialistes europeens, DMF 1973 /138
4.   Foreign sovereign immunity and maritime claims (with emphasis on the law and practice of the United States), AUNC 1979 /151
5.   La cooperation international dans les affaires maritimes: la formations d'un systeme institutionnel, DMF 1979 /171
6.   Liability for damage in maritime shipping under the aspect of risk allocation, PYIL 1980 /181
7.   International shipping contracts and the problem of freedom of contract, PM 1986 /195
8.   Main evolutionary trends in maritime private law: the influence exercised by demands of the developing countries, PM 1988 /207
9.   Maritime law in the making, REDNMA 1989 /225
10. International maritime conventions in legal systems of civil law and common law countries - some questions of application and interpretation, REDNMA 1990-1991 /247
11. From limitation of shipowner's liability to limitation of liability for maritime claims - some theoretical questions, PM 1991 /261
12. The HNS Convention: are we on the right track? REDNMA 1994 /273
13. The role played by international law in the formation of maritime law - a retrospective view on the turn of the 20th century and in the era of globalisation, REDNMA 2000 /289
14.1he Lugano Convention and maritime legislation, REDNMA 2001 /305
15. The UNCITRAL preliminary draft instrument of the carriage of goods by sea: some reflections on the transformation and future of maritime law, REDNMA 2003 /315
16. Maritime Law in the 21st century: tradition, modernity, rationality, REDNMA 2004 /327

341 pages, Paperback

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