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wydawnictwo: OXFORD, 2006, wydanie I

cena netto: 220.00 Twoja cena  209,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Demographic Methods and Concepts presents the methods most commonly needed to work with statistical materials on population at national, regional and local levels. Unlike other textbooks in the field, clear non-technical language is used throughout to make demographic techniques accessible to a broad readership irrespective of background in mathematics. All the demographic techniques most relevant to the work of demographers, geographers, sociologists and planners are covered.

Demographic concepts and practical strategies important in the interpretation of population statistics are also discussed. The book takes a unique and innovative computer-based approach to the visualisation of demographic concepts and data. The fully integrated accompanying CD-ROM contains spreadsheet modules, with on-screen controls and menus, run in Microsoft Excel.

The modules can be used without any knowledge of computing. Further Spreadsheet Exercises in the text enable the acquisition of computing techniques that enhance the breadth and depth of investigations, as well as enjoyment and proficiency in working with population statistics.

546 pages, paperback

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