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wydawnictwo: PEARSON, 2004, wydanie III

cena netto: 230.00 Twoja cena  218,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

For undergraduate business and fashion courses in Visual Merchandising, Display, and Promotion.

This comprehensive and practical textbook/workbook introduces visual merchandising through a combination of fundamentals and projects that provide hands-on experience. The most complete text of its type on the market, it is clearly written and contains a wealth of photographs and drawings from most major retailers.

Table of Contents

1. The Visual Merchandising Concept in a Contemporary Environment.
2. Planning and Developing Visual Presentations.
3. Facilities Design: Exteriors, Interiors, and Fixturing.
4. Mannequins and Other Human Forms.
5. Materials, Props, and Tools of the Trade.
6. Principles of Design.
7. Color: Fundamental Concepts and Applications.
8. Lighting: Dramatizing the Selling Floor and Display Areas.
9. Themes and Settings for Windows and Interiors.
10. Energizing the Specialty Boutique.
11. Signage: The Tool that Tells a Story.
12. Graphics in the Retail Environment.
13. Point-of-Purchase Display.
14. Execution of a Visual Presentation.
15. Creating an Overall Design Concept: From Conception to Completion.
354 pages

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