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wydawnictwo: RISK BOOK, 2005, wydanie II

cena netto: 730.00 Twoja cena  693,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

"Expert insight into where risk management research stands in the energy sector... the book is extremely valuable, up-to-date and comprehensive."
FT Power

An industry acclaimed bestseller - Energy Modelling has been extensively revised, updated and extended for the markets of 2005. This second edition is your detailed guide to how the tools of quantitative finance are being applied to the fast moving world of energy trading.

Edited by Vincent Kaminski, a leading authority on the modelling of energy risks and the development of new trading strategies, the book balances chapters on complex analytical techniques with more accessible explanations of the key topics.

Provides a full view of the latest analytical techniques and modelling strategies to help you effectively measure risk and cope with recent market developments.>

Reflecting the many significant recent changes in energy markets, this book features a number of newly commissioned chapters from the most current experts to cover: the impact of the weather on the trading; valuation and risk management of full requirements deals; pricing and hedging of heat rate options; credit risk modelling; capital adequacy models; bidding strategies in the US power pools; and managing congestion risk.

All chapters have been extensively overhauled and rewritten using new evidence, figures, case studies and panels.

Accessible enough for those who want a general understanding of the quantitative tools used in the energy business.

Essential reading for traders, risk managers and those seeking a general understanding of quantitative trading in the energy markets.

Hardcover, 419 pages

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