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wydawnictwo: RISK BOOK, 2005, wydanie III

cena netto: 730.00 Twoja cena  693,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

"Previous editions of Managing Energy Price Risk have deservedly come to be regarded as key reference works in the field... This new edition confirms the book's status as a key reference work in the area of energy risk." Satyajit Das, The Finance and Treasury Professional, Jan '06

"I think this book reveals why we rely on Dr Kaminski. Clearly organised and comprehensive... Managing Energy Price Risk belongs on every risk managers' shelf."
Arthur Warga, Bauer College of Business, University of Houston

"A welcome addition to round out any risk management library"
Mark Williams, Finance and Economics Department, Boston University

The definitive third edition of the best-selling multi-author reference source on global energy and power markets - fully revised, updated and extended to incorporate current market realities and theory enabling practitioners to effectively measure, structure, hedge and manage risk in today's energy related transactions.

Provides a complete review of the current state of the energy markets, with insights into how leading practitioners, academics and regulators are now tackling the issues and developments

All the main energy areas including natural gas, oil, coal and electricity as well as related markets such as emissions are covered within five easily accessible sub sections, each introduced by Vincent Kaminski to help correlate the entire book:

Energy Instruments

Developments in Energy Markets

Risk Measurement and Reporting

Tools for Risk Analysis

Real Options

Relates quantitative issues to both the needs of today's corporations and to the reality of current market practice

Explains technical terms and concepts using worked examples and real life market insights

Largely re-written to incorporate developments over the last four years, this third edition now includes additional new chapters that cover the management of retail energy markets, gas storage, the emissions market, international coal markets and the issue of financial style hedging and risk management of assets that are subject to physical risk amongst others

Brings together contributions and insight from some of the world's most respected practitioners, academics and regulators to reflect the current state of price risk management in the energy industry

A near complete compendium of knowledge designed to enable risk managers and senior executives make more informed decisions as well as identifying some key unanswered questions to help direct future research on the subject matter

Hardcover, 650 pages

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