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wydawnictwo: CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY, 2014, wydanie I

cena netto: 208.00 Twoja cena  197,60 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

A Course in Mathematical Analysis: Metric and Topological Spaces, Functions of a Vector Variable Volume 2

The three volumes of A Course in Mathematical Analysis provide a full and detailed account of all those elements of real and complex analysis that an undergraduate mathematics student can expect to encounter in their first two or three years of study. Containing hundreds of exercises, examples and applications, these books will become an invaluable resource for both students and teachers. Volume I focuses on the analysis of real-valued functions of a real variable. This second volume goes on to consider metric and topological spaces. Topics such as completeness, compactness and connectedness are developed, with emphasis on their applications to analysis. This leads to the theory of functions of several variables. Differential manifolds in Euclidean space are introduced in a final chapter, which includes an account of Lagrange multipliers and a detailed proof of the divergence theorem. Volume III covers complex analysis and the theory of measure and integration.


Part I. Metric and Topological Spaces: 1. Metric spaces and normed spaces

2. Convergence, continuity and topology

3. Topological spaces

4. Completeness

5. Compactness

6. Connectedness

Part II. Functions of a Vector Variable: 7. Differentiating functions of a vector variable

8. Integrating functions of several variables

9. Differential manifolds in Euclidean space

Appendix A. Linear algebra

Appendix B. Quaternions

Appendix C. Tychonoff's theorem


336 pages, Paperback

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