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wydawnictwo: DIFIN, 2020, wydanie I

cena netto: 72.00 Twoja cena  68,40 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

The Russian Federation and International Security

The book identifies the key activities that the Russian Federation is conducting on the international scene in order to achieve its own political goals and their consequences for security. It presents how Russia, using various instruments of impact, influences the formation of international relations. It identifies the implications of the hybrid war with the West and the economic impact on international security.

Piotr Gawliczek

Part 1. The Russian Federation’s influence on international relations

Mirosław Banasik
Chapter 1. Nuclear Weapons of the Russian Federation as a Tool for Shaping International Security

Adam Zamojski
Chapter 2. Cultural Security. Transformation of Europe’s Identity in Light of the Concept of the Ideological Control Subsystem (ICS)

Agnieszka Rogozińska
Chapter 3. The Role of NATO in Shaping the Security of Eastern Europe in the Context of Threats Created by the Russian Federation

Grzegorz Nycz
Chapter 4. Soviet-era Threat Posed by Russia: Polish Perspective as a US Ally

Małgorzata Matraszek-Bujek
Chapter 5. Determinants of Poland’s Military Security

Part 2. Exerting influence by the Russian Federation through Hybrid Warfare

Khayal Iskandarov, Piotr Gawliczek
Chapter 6. Hybrid Warfare as a New Type of War. The Evolution of its Conceptual Construct

Josef Schroefl
Chapter 7. Hybrid Threat Scenario and its Development During Hybrid Campaigns for EU/NATO Country with Special Consideration of Cyber Power

Khayal Iskandarov, Piotr Gawliczek
Chapter 8. Hybrid Warfare as an Instrument of Political Leverage (with a Special Focus on the South Caucasus)

Oleksandr Shcherba
Chapter 9. The Information Component of the Hybrid War between Russia and Ukraine

Part 3. Exerting influence by The Russian Federation through economic impact

Adam Sadowski
Chapter 10. Resistance of the Military Logistics System of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland to Contemporary Threats from the Russian Federation

Khayal Iskandarov, Piotr Gawliczek
Chapter 11. The South Causasus and Energy Security: Challenges and Prospects

Khayal Iskandarov, Piotr Gawliczek
Chapter 12. Hybrid Threats to Energy Security. The South Caucasus  as a Focal Point

Olimpia Kunert
Chapter 13. Strategies in International Transport on the Grounds  of Euro-Atlantic Security

Nikolett Katalin Bus
Chapter 14. Safety Requirements for the Cleaning of Atmospheric  Storage Tanks

Piotr Gawliczek
Concluding Remarks

236 pages, Paperback

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