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wydawnictwo: IMPULS, 2008, wydanie I

cena netto: 49.40 Twoja cena  46,93 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Appreciating diversity

gender and cultural issues

This is the second volume of a two volumes series on cultural and gender issues. While the first volume concentrated mainly on the different manifestations of cultural encounters (e.g. acculturation processes of immigrants and cultural differences in close interpersonal relationships) this book places gender issues into the focus in an exciting and original way.

Are there, in fact, gender differences or they are the result of perceptional illusion or social construction? How somebody is perceived who does not behave according to the stereotypical expectations of her/his gender? Is there a third gender? How Arabic men living in Poland construct their masculinity? Does smiling have any effect on attraction in Internet relationships in different cultures? Do Polish young adults differ from Spanish in terms of their estimation of physical attractiveness? Are men and women different in their social convictions? What kind of male gender role expectations are there in close relationships in Egypt, Germany and Poland? Arc cultures different in terms of violence against women? Are there specific cultural factors contributing to violence against women in Poland? Does being sexually abused make a difference between women going through a personal crisis?

The answers can be found in the 16 chapters written mainly by Polish authors showing the colourful variety and high quality of work done in the crossroad of gender and culture in Poland. Therefore together with the previous volume this book is a must and a valuable learning material for those who are interested in cultural and gender issues both for personal and professional reasons.


Part 1 Social Construction of Sex

Günter Bierbrauer
Gender Difference: Fact or Myth?

Natasza Kosakowska
Identity, Self-construal and Gender Role Perception

Katarzyna Bojarska
Social Construction of Sex and Gender Dichotomy

Agnieszka Nowakowska
Masculinity Construction and Gender Role Strain Theory – The Qualitative Study on Arabs (Maghrebians) Living in Poland

Monika Biłas-Henne
Do Social Axioms Have Gender? Polish-Spanish Comparison of Social Axioms: New Methods of Measurement

Krzysztof Ulanowski
Goddess Inanna. Uniqueness in Diversity

Part 2 The Role of Gender and Culture in Social Processes

Hanna Brycz
Gender and Culture as Determinants of Self-regulation, and Reactions to Temptation in Poland

Hanna Brycz
Gender Differences in Perception of Temptation Resistance and Actual Resistance to Tempting Situations among Polish Students

Aneta Chybicka, Maria Kaźmierczak
Determinants of Satisfaction with a Romantic Relationship in Poland, Germany and Egypt

Piotr Szarota
Smiling as a Self-presentation Strategy in the Internet Personal Ads: Gender and Cross-cultural Differences

Krystyna Adamska
The Role of Relationship in the Individualistic and Collectivistic Orientations

Małgorzata Lipowska, Mariusz Lipowski, Anna Jankowska
Determinants of Physical Attractiveness among Polish and Spanish Youth

Part 3 Violence – Gender and Cultural Aspects

Anna Kwiatkowska
Cultures of Violence:In Search of Links between Culture and Violence against Women

Henryk Machel
Selected Cultural Determinants of Violence towards Women in Poland – the Victims Perspective

Magdalena Błażek, Mikołaj Majkowicz, Anna Chryc-Gawrychowska
The Psychological Effects of Sexual Abuse against Women

Beata Pastwa-Wojciechowska
Psychopathy and Gender Differences.From Norm to Pathology

About the reviewer

428 pages, Paperback

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